
in-text references instead of footnotes?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I tried different CSL formats but they all seem to create footnotes. Is there a way to have the plugin create in-text references like (Author 2019) instead?

Hi @jboynyc

Do you mean you don't want the footnotes at all or just that the link is in (Author 2019) format rather than the default small number you get from footnotes?

No footnotes at all. Ideally the in-text reference would just link to the bibliography item.

Ah, that's not currently possible. The pull request #39 sort of gets what you want, but it also breaks some current behavior which is why it's not being merged in yet. That would be a place to start if you'd be willing to contribute code.

OK, good to know! Thanks. I'll look through the code a bit when I get a chance to see whether I can contribute. For now I'll close this.