
pandoc-citeproc deprecated

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi there, thanks for a great plugin! I just updated my pandoc, and now I'm getting an error message trying to mkdocs serve:

RuntimeError: Pandoc died with exitcode "83" during conversion: b'[WARNING] Deprecated: pandoc-citeproc filter. Use --citeproc instead.\nError running filter pandoc-citeproc:\nCould not find executable pandoc-citeproc\n'

It seeems to be caused by line 212 in which specifies filters=["pandoc-citeproc"]. Importantly, pandoc-citeproc can no longer be downloaded with homebrew on Mac, so a new solution seems to be needed. I've tried a few things, and it seems that the fix is to remove filters and add --citeproc to extra_args instead. I'll try to do a pull request (it'll be my first, so I need to learn that now ;-) ).

You might be better off using the conda-forge version of pypandoc. I'm hesitant to do version based calling of pandoc unless we have a good feature need.

Fair enough. I just tried using the conda-forge version and the issue persists, but I understand the extra amount of work required might not be worth it. For now I'll keep with my solution.

what do you get if you do this:

import shutil
import pypandoc


I get: