Economic Policy Impact Evaluation Research

University of California, Berkeley. Econ 191, Fall 2022.

Research Topic: Cross-Border Difference-in-Differences in County-Level Housing Prices for State Policy Impact Evaluation

Motivation: To study the causal impact of state policy on housing prices as a proxy for evaluating inter–state migration (e.g., foot–voting).

Note: Existing Issues with the Research's Empirical Analysis

  • Data limitations due to timing of research project from date of exoegenous shock and due to selection of data from FRED. Preferably, research could be improved by using a random sample of web-scraped data from Zillow for housing prices of listings located along the Texas-New Mexico state border.
  • Consider using data for sales prices rather than listing prices, controlling for other listing data.
  • Model could be improved by incorporating a control for blue (democrat-majority) and red (republican-majority) counties.
  • Model is seriously overfit: small dataset with State FEs and Time FEs.
  • Run analysis with a multi-period difference-in-differences model to account for lagged effects.
  • Section needed for testing error serial correlation and autocorrelation.
  • Outdated data. Need to run empirical analysis again with up-to-date data. Unfortunately, I cannot update the empirical analysis due to no longer having access to Stata.

Decree of Abandonment: I simply chose this research topic with the objective of completing a managable research project and writing a research paper within the time constraints, resource constraints, and evaluation standards for completing a course in economics research. I hold little to no interest for completing nor improving this research project and corresponding paper. Aside for serving as evidence of my research experience, this research is otherwise hereby declared abandoned. Good riddens.