Import Error - No module named ScheduleAndDepend.Clusterer
nev1n opened this issue · 2 comments
nev1n commented
Description : On running the module, the following import module error is received.
"File "", line 6, in
from ScheduleAndDepend.Clusterer import Clustering, Clustering_Functions
ImportError: No module named ScheduleAndDepend.Clusterer "
Found for Commit Version -> 60dcf93
Python Version -> Python 2.7.6
siavooshpayandehazad commented
The issue was about the addressing the files in import command (IDE related)... now resolved...
nev1n commented
Issue appears to be fixed for Build commit 'd8d57bd1a22eecd5793ddaa99d64b5e9288c1cde'.
Status changed from resolved -> Closed