
keypoints file not found error

iamhere1 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, Thanks for your great work!

I encounter a "file not found" error when I run the program with the following command:

sh "正在为您查询合肥的天气情况。今天是2020年2月24日,合肥市今天多云,最低温度9摄氏度,最高温度15摄氏度,微风。" xuesong m


I find the directory *pinyin_data/xuesong/keypoints_xuesong" do exist, and the file "03958_keypoints.json" and "03960_keypoints.json" do exist in the directory. However, "03959_keypoints.json" file does not exist, where can I find this file? Or is any other way to deal with it?

@sibozhang can you please , hint us about this