
Different results between Jupyter Notebook and Readme

Steven-Livingstone opened this issue · 2 comments

First of all AWESOME STUFF!

However, in an effort to reproduce your results locally I spotted a few differences between your Jupyter notebook results and the ones given in the readme.

Value stan_mmm.ipynb
MAPE 26.06330645337451 8.63
RMSE (log-log model) 0.13647800963534104 0.04977
MAPE (multiplicative model) 20.313393234793644 15.71

Have the Readme results been generated using different priors/parameters, or am I missing something obvious?

Don't bother, it doesn't really matter. They were generated from different datasets. The dataset published is tweaked, and the Jupyter notebook is done on top of it.

Ah, that makes sense then.

Thanks for the quick clarification. :)