
can tf-expain explain tf-lite models?

showkeyjar opened this issue · 1 comments

can tf-expain explain tf-lite models?

if can, how to explain?

if not, would you have some advice or suggestion?

I fig it out,
would you please check this idea is right?

I rewrite a OcclusionSensitivity class and use python read tf.lite model then predict

the key codes:

def get_sensitivity_map(self, interpreter, image, class_index, patch_size):
# interpreter is tf.lite model
for patch in tqdm(patches):
interpreter.set_tensor(interpreter.get_input_details()[0]['index'], [patch])
preds = interpreter.get_tensor(interpreter.get_output_details()[0]['index'])

    target_class_predictions = [
        prediction[class_index] for prediction in predictions


beacause I can't find how to batch predict image use tf.lite model, so I make a for loop and set a bigger patch_size