- 0
Add an easy way to enable/disable for a block
#133 opened by TylerRick - 1
- 3
Remove AppVeyor hook, for a green build result
#124 opened by olleolleolle - 0
Support mode for colorize
#122 opened by h0jeZvgoxFepBQ2C - 1
Use of mutation testing in rainbow - Help needed
#121 opened by belene - 1
Improved contribution and setup docs
#120 opened by fbuys - 1
Update the RuboCop settings & lint
#112 opened by olleolleolle - 8
- 3
CI needs an update
#110 opened by olleolleolle - 6
Support in-support Ruby versions only?
#104 opened by olleolleolle - 1
Gem version 3.1.0 published without any code?
#113 opened by jviney - 7
ArgumentError when using color("red")
#82 opened by crypt1d - 2
- 15
Release 3.0.1 (or 3.1)?
#95 opened by cllns - 5
minimum version of ruby supported making Github Action rubocop crash + version missing on rubygems
#106 opened by noraj - 0
- 3
Example video has been archived
#92 opened by zt2 - 0
CI: JRuby tests fail on JDK installation
#98 opened by olleolleolle - 2
Proposal: reduce size of CI matrix
#90 opened by olleolleolle - 1
Dropped support for TargetRubyVersion: "2.1"
#87 opened by bazay - 10
Bundler 0.14 breaks 2.2.1 build
#48 opened by wintersolutions - 6
JRuby support!
#74 opened by headius - 5
3.0.0 release?
#80 opened - 3
Feature request: Themes
#68 opened by olleolleolle - 9
Image / Screenshot
#71 opened - 2
Installation on rainbow 2.2.2 on ruby 2.4.0 broken
#76 opened by parkr - 6
Enhancement: Rainbow.clear?
#56 opened by ddoherty03 - 1
Enhancement: random color selection
#67 opened - 3
rake dependency
#57 opened by jjb - 29
Install issues with 2.2.1
#44 opened by Cohen-Carlisle - 2
rainbow-2.1.0/lib/rainbow/color.rb:15: warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated
#51 opened by ioquatix - 3
Doesn't work with ruby2.4 on linux
#47 opened by skatkov - 8
Gem::Ext::BuildError "can't modify frozen String" under Ruby v2.3.3 and bundler v1.14.2
#49 opened by baburdick - 1
- 22
Install issues with 2.2.0
#40 opened by eheydrick - 3
- 0
- 1
Possibility to pass style as symbol
#32 opened by mainrs - 2
- 2
Issue with require or using as dependency in gem.
#27 opened by aaronvb - 3
Issues with Ruby 2.2.1
#25 opened by justin808 - 2
Release notes are missing
#17 opened by denisdefreyne - 2
Blank Line Insertion
#13 opened by rokf - 4
Disable if STDERR is not a TTY
#16 opened by jonas054 - 1
yellow appears to be green
#14 opened by gilesbowkett - 3
ansicon support?
#6 opened by docwhat - 2
Calling .color is changing variables
#9 opened by fcoury - 1
No license
#4 opened by dmacvicar - 1
Doesn't seem to work with printf
#1 opened by stewartjohnson