Javascript runtime resolver bundling
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Hi there,
First of all this is a quite new feature and I'm not quite aware of all the support, I checked AWS doc that explains a lot but I'm not sure about the limitations yet.
It feels plenty of lambda could be eliminated with the JS resolvers but then for this we need to bundle those resolvers and make sure we are not using node built-in or anything unsupported.
I am wondering if we can combine with serverless-esbuild
to bundle the resolvers.code
in addition can it be a s3file? I am wondering what is the size limit?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I was also checking the RFC on appsync community and I seen some interesting proposals like if we are able to call the datasource on our own instead of statically define pipeline functions this look really promising. Pretty sure we can kill lot of lambda and avoid extra cost/response time ๐
You might be interested in PR #576 ๐
It adds support for automatic bundling and TS transplation (if needed).
Also, recently wrote an article about bundling JS code for AppSync, you might be interested too.
The size limit for JS resolvers is 32,000 characters (source)
Oh men this is great, thanks a lot for your reply ๐ฏ
Hi @bboure
I was checking deeper the limitations on the js runtime and some are quite annoying like those:
I was thinking of an high level API to build queries like mongodb, today we are using dynamoose in lambdas and that is pretty useful. dynamoose wont be compatible at all since the whole internal is promise based but I guess something alike non async to build the queries is achievable.
I was wondering if you would know a way to statically evaluate code while minifying? I havent found anything yet in esbuild but this is something available in terser tho ๐ค (with some limit still)
I just tried a very small example just to know the viability of a solution like this.
If you have some time and more knowledge with bundlers/minifiers I would love some help.
Example using factories/builder pattern that wont be allowed in js runtime
I know js runtime is limited but lot of high level code like those example can be statically evaluated and reduced down to some primitives. Here we can imagine building the filter conditions of a query for dynamodb using a builder syntax like .where('column').eq(42)
Code sample
const factory = (str, num) => ({ str, num })
export const a = { foo: 'bar', ...factory('Hello', 1) }
// Test a builder pattern
const builder = /* @__PURE__ */() => {
const obj = {};
const methods = {
str: str => {
obj.str = str
return methods
num: num => {
obj.num = num
return methods
foo: foo => { = foo
return methods
build: () => {
return obj
return methods
export const b = builder().foo('bar').str('Hello').num(1).build()
// Class compilled as functions?
class Builder {
obj = {}
str(str) {
this.obj.str = str
return this
num(num) {
this.obj.num = num
return this
foo(foo) { = foo
return this
build() {
return this.obj
export const c = new Builder().foo('bar').str('Hello').num(1).build()
Terser config
module: true,
compress: {
ecma: '2020',
expression: true,
evaluate: true,
hoist_funs: true,
hoist_vars: true,
module: true,
passes: 10,
toplevel: true,
unsafe: true,
mangle: {
module: true,
toplevel: true,
output: {
parse: {},
rename: {},
ecma: '2020',
I used the following:
Right now I stuck with the builder pattenr because it does not seem to want to be statically interpreted, I tried to check and mark pure functions with no luck.
So I would love some help with this and I guess then properly TS checked building api could be done for standardise dynamodb resolver writting using factories/builder.
Example of output (formatted)
export const a = {
foo: "bar",
str: "Hello",
num: 1
// Look at the first expression fully evaluated
export const b = (() => {
const o = {}, t = {
str: r => (o.str = r, t),
num: r => (o.num = r, t),
foo: r => ( = r, t),
build: () => o
return t;
// But here no luck ๐ค
export const c = (new class {
str(o) {
return this.obj.str = o, this;
num(o) {
return this.obj.num = o, this;
foo(o) {
return = o, this;
build() {
return this.obj;
Disclaimer: I am not too familiar with Mongo
One important thing to notice is that JS resolvers can't call any external library by themselves.
There is no network access. And as you mentioned, no async (promises) either. I think classes are not supported either.
However, there might be some things we can do. AFAIK, MongoDB is an HTTP-based API.
So we could technically rely on an HTTP resolver in AppSync to send the requests.
e.g. have a helper function/API that generates a valid HTTP request that is later sent to Mongo.
Sorry for the confusion I did not meant to call mongodb but having a schema and query builder that is looking like it. Look at dynamoosejs
It looks like this:
const dynamoose = require("dynamoose");
const personSchema = new dynamoose.Schema({
"id": String,
"name": String,
"age": Number,
"team": String,
}, {
"timestamps": {
"createdAt": ["createDate", "creation"],
"updatedAt": ["updateDate", "updated"],
const personModel = new dynamoose.Model('Persons', personSchema);
Then it can execute directly against dynamodb or return the request (this would be then the return object of the JS resolver)
export function request({ args }) {
return personModel.query().where('team').eq('admin').and().where('age').ge(args.minAge ?? 18).build();
// This could be statically evaluated during building time/minification time to
export function request({ args }) {
return {
operation: 'Query',
query: {
expression: '#team = :team',
expressionNames: {
'#team': 'team',
expressionValues: {
':team': 'admin',
filter: {
expression: '#age >= :age',
expressionNames: {
'#age': 'age',
expressionValues: {
':age': args.minAge ?? 18,
More a kind of meta programming, I'm not so sure if there is a better way to implement an abstraction like this. Of course dynamoose would not suite the JS Runtime requirements at all. But this is what I try to acheive at compilation time so then it fits the runtime and the source remais highly maintanable and well typechecked.
Let me know your thoughts on this and if you already seen something similar existing, thanks ๐.