3D Subplots Gabor Response and Filters Display
This is work is on plotting the Gabor filters and responses in 3D of 4X4 subplots
Package Version
python 3.6.8
numpy 1.16.1
matplotlib 3.0.2
skimage 0.16.2
The Gabor 16 filters are created with different parameters such as Lambda, Theta, Psi, Sigma, Gamma. An image is convolved using these filters resulting in Gabor response.
The function getGaborKernel() of CV2 (opencv) is used to creat Gabor filters. The function filter2D() of CV2 (opencv) is used to creat Gabor responses.
Gabor filters and Gabor responses are displayed in 3D subplots.
Further Projects and Contact www.researchreader.com
Dr. Siddhaling Urolagin, dr.siddhaling@gmail.com