
Tool to convert bag files to image files for RealSense

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Graphic Overview

This is convert tool that works on cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS) for RealSense.
This tool converts all data of each stream types (Color, Depth, Infrared) that contained in bag file to image file.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • You have a Linux/Mac/Windows machine with a recent version of compatible OS.
  • You have installed the following software:
    • RealSense SDK 2.x (librealsense v2.x) - Installation Guide
    • OpenCV 3.4.0 (or later) - Installation Guide
    • CMake 3.7.2 (or later) - You can install it using: sudo apt install cmake
    • GCC 5.3 (or later) - You can install it using sudo apt install build-essential

Installing rs_bag2image

To install rs_bag2image, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/UnaNancyOwen/rs_bag2image
  2. Navigate to the cloned repository: cd rs_bag2image
  3. Create a new directory for the build: mkdir build && cd build
  4. Use CMake to generate the makefile: cmake ..
  5. Build the project: make

Using rs_bag2image

./rs_bag2image -b="/path/to/your/file.bag" -s=true -d=true


  |   |-000001.jpg
  |   |-000002.jpg
  |   |-000001.png
  |   |-000002.png
  |-Infrared 1
  |   |-000001.jpg
  |   |-000002.jpg


option description
-b input bag file path. (requered)
-s enable depth scaling for visualization. false is raw 16bit image. (bool)
-q jpeg encoding quality for color and infrared. [0-100]
-d display each stream images on window. false is not display. (bool)


Copyright © 2018 Tsukasa SUGIURA
Distributed under the MIT License.
