
Read more than 10 hits from index

lwluc opened this issue · 1 comments

lwluc commented

I want to read from Elasticsearch. To do so I am using a trigger.
But I only get the first 10 hits (Elasticsearch default).
So how to I get more than 10 results? Am I missing something in the docu?

@App:description("Read from elastic")

@sink(type="log", @map(type="json"))
define stream console (id string);

define trigger TriggerStream at every 1 sec;
define stream TempStream (id string);

@Store(type="elasticsearch", hostname="localhost", port="9200","input", @map(type="json"))
define table input (id string);

from TriggerStream join input
select id
insert into TempStream;

from TempStream select id insert into console;

Affected Product Version: v3.2.0

OS, DB, other environment details and versions: Elasticsearch Version 7.6.2

lwluc commented

Quick-fix: Modify the ElasticsearchRecordIterator especially the SearchSourceBuilder.
Add the size option to increase the number of search hits to be returned (searchSourceBuilder.query(queryBuilder).size(1000);)