Matrix Elementary Operations
This program performs elementary operations on the square matrix, both provided by the user. Also outputs to a file.
Users can also perform the same on an elementary matrix if they want. Particularly useful when finding inverses using operations.
NOTE : This is not an automatic inverse finder!
g++ -std=c++14 Print/help.cpp Print/print_matrix.cpp Row/row_op.cpp Column/column_op.cpp matrix-main.cpp -o matrix_elementary_operations
(C++14 because of the date-time library used. The codebase itself is compatible with C++17.)
Run with -h for help ./matrix_elementary_operations -h
You can find your operations, along with matrices, logged in a text file named Matrix [YY/MM/DD] [HH:MM:SS].txt
. Time is in UTC.
Used Howard Hinnant's free, open-source header-only datetime library for date and time. It is available as Print/date.h
in this repository.