
front wiper state crashes game on loading screen

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When the mod is installed through zip, and unpacked into the normal aircraft folder, Flightgear pauses on the "loading scenery" page. When Alt+Tab is pressed, it brings up an error message saying the following:

FGPropertyValue::GetValue() The property/controls/wiper/frontwiper/state does not exist.
FlightGear 4_10_2024 7_14_24 PM

I may have installed it wrong, but the README file does not contain such information, and neither does the internet.
Would love some insight to what is going on.

Thanks!' first issue


Sorry for the late reply, I didn't saw this issue until just now.

First thing to check: did you rename the folder name to followme_e-tron (remove everything after it) when installing?

Kind regards,