
a{sv} parameter current version

faljse opened this issue · 1 comments

Tried calling a function with a{sv} signature and failed.:

Error: Invalid struct data
    at writeStruct (/opt/webauslage/webauslage/lib/node-dbus/lib/marshall.js:31:11)
    at write (/opt/webauslage/webauslage/lib/node-dbus/lib/marshall.js:45:7)
    at write (/opt/webauslage/webauslage/lib/node-dbus/lib/marshall.js:62:7)
    at writeStruct (/opt/webauslage/webauslage/lib/node-dbus/lib/marshall.js:34:5)
    at module.exports (/opt/webauslage/webauslage/lib/node-dbus/lib/marshall.js:17:13)

        [ // top level struct is js array
        [ // array is js array
            ['fstype', ['s', 'vfat']], // dict_entry is 2 element array - key,value
    , (err, objects) => {

I saw your comment in marshall.js

// TODO: serialise JS objects as a{sv}
//function writeHash(ps, treeKey, treeVal, data) {

Does that mean there is no (easy) way in current version?

Duplicate of #132