
Bluez Issue With org.bluez.GattService and org.bluez.Device1.Connect()

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a Mac and a PC running Linux on my PC i am running D-Feet(dbus debugger) and I am using Node JS and Dbus-Native to manipulate Bluez 5.49 on my Linux machine. When I look at the D-Feet screen to see all the methods and interfaces in the org.bluez.Device1 section I see the connect method and in my code everytime I use it I get an error, "Protocol not available". The next issue I get is that I keep trying to find the GattService Interface in D-Feet and it doesn't show it their nor can it be accessed in DBUS-Native. I know this isn't DBUS-Native specific but I thought this would be a viable place to look for help.

not sure how I can help. Can you show us the code that result in "Protocol not available" error?

Sure it's a little nasty because I'm just focused right now on experimenting with the api but here it is,