
Parsing of ShapeNotify event not implemented

jdomenechb opened this issue · 3 comments

Looking at the xcore.js file, seems that the parsing of the ShapeNotify event attributes (type = 64) is not implemented - it only parses up until event 32.

It would be nice to have it, as I am using the Shape extension to detect changes in the shape of the window. This way. the same event callback handler execution I would be able to obtain the geometry, area, and other useful data, instead of using a workaround like using the Damage extension.

@jdomenechb it seems to me ShapeNotify does not belong to core but it's defined by the shape extension. So this should be probably be implemented in Would you be up to sending a PR implementing it?

I might... I first have to understand how .unpack() works and what is exactly unpacking, as if I compare the calls against the xlib structs it seems not to follow the same order of parameters. Any hist you could gave me, @santigimeno ?

unpack should follow the order defined in the x11 protocol. For example for the ShapeNotify event I would look to the Encoding section:

     1     CARD8               type (0 + extension event base)
     1     SHAPE_KIND          shape kind
     2     CARD16              sequence number
     4     WINDOW              affected window
     2     INT16               x value of extents
     2     INT16               y value of extents
     2     CARD16              width of extents
     2     CARD16              height of extents
     4     TIMESTAMP           server time
     1     BOOL                shaped
     11                        unused

For how to implement it. Look at how DamageNotify is done, where the parameters would be:
type --> 1 CARD8 type (0 + extension event base)
seq --> 2 CARD16 sequence number
code --> 1 SHAPE_KIND shape kind
extra should not be used.
raw starts from 4 WINDOW affected window. You should unpack this!

Maybe code and extra might be switched but this can get you going