
GPS parsing not working using gp20u7_adruino library.

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Hi , I am using this library for parsing GPS data but it's not working. I am using GP-20U7 GPS and Adruino M0. I waited around 5 mins after upload but still I couldn't see any data in sketch monitor. Any idea about this issue ?


Hey Suresh, thanks for using the library and reaching out. I don't have an M0 to test on but I found the following in the M0 docs.

Note that on the M0, the SerialUSB class refers to USB (CDC) communication; for serial on pins 0 and 1, use the Serial5 class.

If you are using the example code there is the following line:

GP20U7 gps = GP20U7(Serial);

Did you try changing that line to be:

GP20U7 gps = GP20U7(Serial5);

Below is updated code I am trying on Arduino M0. Just in additional basically I am using Sodaq Explorer board but this board is made on Arduino M0 platform only with some additional feature.

#include <gp20u7.h>

// initialize the library with the serial port to which the device is
// connected
GP20U7 gps = GP20U7(Serial);

// Set up a Geolocation variable to track your current Location
Geolocation currentLocation;

void setup() {
// Start the GPS module

void loop() {
// The call to read() checks for new location information and returns 1
// if new data is available and 0 if it isn't. It should be called
// repeatedly.
currentLocation = gps.getGeolocation();
SerialUSB.println("Your current location is:");
SerialUSB.print(" Latitude: ");
SerialUSB.print(" Longitude: ");

Hi Thanks same code worked now. I don't remember what I did before but it worked now. Thanks really good library and very simple code to understand and use.