
Support for aggrid Version 31

Opened this issue · 4 comments


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Suggestion / feature request

Hi we are using ix together with aggrid.
They released their new version 31 End of last year and we would like to use some features from it.

At the moment ix only supports the the Versions 28, 29 and 30 as peer dependency
"ag-grid-community": "^28 || ^29 || ^30"

Are there any plans when the version 31 will officially be supported?


🤖 Hello @philippsteinberg

Your issue will be analyzed and is part of our internal workflow.
To get informed about our workflow please checkout the Contributing Guidelines

JIRA: IX-1014

Is there any update on this? This issue has become a serious problem due to version incompatibility, and we are failing the scanning tests. We urgently request your support. Thanks.

Same issue here. Waiting for any updates since February.

Hi forks the issue is on track, but you can help us. Please install the latest version (or your preferred version) and give us feedback if the styling is broken in some cases. Here some information about peerDependencies if you are using npm and have troubles to install it.