- 0
relax validation
#91 opened by mrwinsto - 0
repetitive sets of items
#90 opened by drom - 10
report status of DUH document
#67 opened by drom - 1
replace master/slave -> initiator/target
#79 opened by drom - 1
- 2
duh validate doesn't find custom buses
#59 opened by olofk - 1
- 0
- 2
Design option in "Block Type" doesn't create any (.json5) base document
#85 opened by adeelliaquat-lm - 1
No module named 'cvxopt'
#83 opened by davidmlw - 1
- 4
inout verilog import - width missing
#58 opened by drom - 2
duh validate prints out unnecessary validation errors when DUH document not passed in
#66 opened by richardxia - 3
duh validate doesn't work with absolute paths.
#81 opened by rpadler - 1
duh validate issues a warning on bundles
#72 opened by Ramlakshmi3733 - 2
- 3
- 0
"component" is spelled wrong in validate command
#77 opened by mwachs5 - 0
think about linking programming interface to register description to bus interface
#76 opened by drom - 0
component, busInterface, portMap, port concatenation
#74 opened by drom - 0
detect type of the document
#75 opened by drom - 3 website broken
#65 opened by mithro - 0
warning about unmapped ports (component)
#73 opened by drom - 0
- 0
duh get the root document
#70 opened by drom - 0
use duh-core
#69 opened by drom - 0
- 0
Fetch $ref files
#62 opened by drom - 0
cascading attributes: memoryMap -> register -> field
#63 opened by drom - 0
duh validate returns 0 even if error is found
#60 opened by jackkoenig - 4
Create a Python library for working with DUH?
#56 opened by mithro - 0
- 0
#55 opened by hiren-99 - 3
duh-import-verilog-ports isuue
#51 opened by hiren-99 - 1
import IP-XACT ports and SYSTEMRTL ports
#53 opened by hiren-99 - 0
Import memory map of verilog to json5.
#52 opened by hiren-99 - 0
- 3
Duh import verilog ports issue
#47 opened by v-krvavac - 0
validate port interfaces mapped to existing ports
#49 opened by drom - 0
Validate Bus Interfaces against Bus Definitions
#48 opened by drom - 0
Can't map parts of signals in duh
#40 opened by v-krvavac - 3
Verilog to json5
#23 opened by shiviarorasifive - 0
Travis CI failing on Windows
#36 opened by drom - 0
Travis CI failing on OSX
#35 opened by drom - 5
verilog macro flagged as syntax error
#31 opened - 3
- 2
Issue in importing verilog ports to json5
#28 opened by sidharth94 - 2
use duh schema from duh-schema
#24 opened by drom - 0
duh-export-verilog-bbx CLI
#26 opened by drom - 1