Cleanup and revive!
quad opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi everyone! @sigalor has been busy, and I offered to help out to clear the backlog on this repository. This is a tracking issue for the work we agreed I could do:
- Merge unique PRs
- Merge duplicate PRs, noting everyone who contributed in the merge commit, sharing credit
- Add build script and Github Workflow hook to automatically track the latest proto
- Bump all dependency versions
- Python 2 -> 3
- Refactor / add tests to the code
- Half Python / Node -> All Node
- Update to keep up with the changes in other language repos
Please feel free to comment with suggestions or reach out with offers of help!
Hello @quad & others,
What's about : An UI that is not that technical, but rather starts to emulate the actual WhatsApp Web UI.
? I could work on it, but I have some question.
Framework (VueJS / React) vs jQuery ?
From my point of view, we can't continue working with jQuery if the project has to become real WA clone. Usage of framework will enable best maintainability and code organisation. Typescript usage can be good for same reasons.
EDIT (10 minutes later) : The front end will not be so big, we have only two views. But the switch to typescript could make the code cleaner. Only parceljs is needed to build the project.
Can you shed some light on the use of the transition node server please? Why not route everything through the python websocket?
#2 on why not just use python there's Flask too if you want an easy start.
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello, World!'
Any updates to the web UI? I could pick it up if nobody is handling it