
arm32 build doesn't seem to be available

yagnasrinath opened this issue · 5 comments

I am trying to build tensorflow for arm32. Could you please provide instructions for existing platforms, so that interested parties can try to build for unsupported platforms like arm32. I am not very familiar with llvm build infrastructure and how these bindings are generated. I tried to look at scripts under the .github folder for aarch64. It seems to expect some code to be present which needs to compiled. It would be of great help, if you can add some documentation on which repo needs to be checked out and what does work folder represent and all. Thanks for providing these bindings.

I could add such support this weekend.

Hi @yagnasrinath,

I'm not very familiar with arm, I'm wondering if the arch arm32v7 works for you.


Yes, arm32v7 works for me. Thanks for making it available.

Hi @yagnasrinath

The manylinux2014_armv7l wheel has been uploaded to pypi:

Thank you