
Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

ladung opened this issue · 9 comments

when I created user, i used kubeconfig which generated by webUI and I had problem:

╰─ k get node -o wide
Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

Why do not show certificate-authority-data ???

Using latest version:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Not working for me either. Certificate-authority-data is not dumped into the kubeconfig.
You can workaround it copying it from your existing admin kubeconfig

something wrong in internal/resources/serviceaccount.go:57, secret name should be serviceAccount.Secrets[0].Name not username

@windghoul thank you so much! let's me try reinstall!

@windghoul your commit is not merge?

yeah, you can build locally with reference to my modification, the build command is

docker build -t permission-manager:<you version> .

i'm already test in my cluster.

Hello, Luigi is here 🖖🏾

Forgive me but I can't reproduce your problem, could I have some more information?

  1. In which namespace are you deploying the permission manager?
  2. What version of kube are you using?
  3. Are you using the helm chart?

Thank you for your collaboration :)

@luigibarbato hi,

  1. In which namespace are you deploying the permission manager?

namespace is permission-manager

  1. What version of kube are you using?

I didn't test on a lower version cluster, so I don't know if the problem is caused by the version of the cluster

  1. Are you using the helm chart?

no, I don't use helm chart.
I use the kubectl apply -f to install permission manager.

Hi guys! As I commented in #141, you can safely update the Permission Manager to the latest version where this bug is fixed and generally, there are a lot of improvements.

Thank you for your contribution :)