Kubeconfig in UI missing certificate-authority-data value
andrey-gava opened this issue · 7 comments
Same thing, but fresh install of v1.7.1-rc1. Is there a quick fix for that?
Same thing, but fresh install of v1.7.1-rc1. Is there a quick fix for that?
Until it fixed you can get it from your current config
kubectl config view --raw -o json | jq -r '.clusters[0].cluster."certificate-authority-data"' | tr -d '"'
v1.7.1-rc1 - we have the same issue - empty certificate-authority-data
image: quay.io/sighup/permission-manager:v1.7.1-rc1
Any update on this?
I managed to get it to work using the docker image tagged 9f717d02c3509607daf23481f3868888c163d0e4
(see https://quay.io/repository/sighup/permission-manager?tab=tags&tag=latest)
Same issue here. On a microk8s cluster (if it can help)
@paulrostorp s solution worked for me