
Write a simulator UI that demonstrates its basics following the design and interactions outlined below.

Design & Functionality

You can see a mockup the interface at this link: Your new interface should be a basic implementation that matches the attached design as closely as possible.

Each gray block under “Server Canvas” represents a server in the cluster. The cluster should start with 4 servers. Prioritize functionality over design perfection. This is a demo of functionality, and without app basics it won’t matter how beautiful it looks.


If interaction details are missing, use your best judgement and make a note to explain it during the follow up.

  • Clicking “Add Server” should create a new server and a new gray block in the Server Canvas.
  • Clicking “Destroy” should remove the last server and its gray block from the Server Canvas.
  • Clicking “+” for one of the Available Apps should start an instance of that app in the cluster.
  • Clicking “-” for one of the Available Apps should kill the newest instance of that app in the cluster.
What happens when you click “+” on an app?:

Each server can run a maximum of two apps at once. When a new app is launched, it should be started following this algorithm:

  • Run on the first server running 0 apps.
  • If all servers are running at least 1 app, the new app should be started on the first server running only 1 app.
  • If all servers are running two apps, the app should not be started.
  • When a server is destroyed, each app running on it should be restarted elsewhere in the cluster following the algorithm above.
  • If there is no capacity for the apps, they should be killed.

Extra Credit

If you get the demo in good shape and have extra time, add your own flair and features. These are some ideas:

  • Delay the start of apps via animation to simulate allocation and start up time.
  • When a second app is started on a server, animate the partitioning of the server into two parts.
  • Implement an overlay on the servers that displays on hover and has a “Destroy” button to destroy the given server.


Provide the source code and a README explaining how to view the UI for your simulator in a tar-ball over email.

You may use any 3rd party libraries you know well that seem like a fit for the scenario. List the libraries in the README and a blurb about why you chose each one.

Develop for modern browsers and test in them. Your loved ones might be Firefox users even if you’re a diehard Safari or Chrome user.

Please don't check your code into a public repo.

Good luck!