
repo.compare_commits doesn't use pagination

amaccormack-lumira opened this issue · 4 comments

Since 2021, github API supports pagination on Comparison results:

but this package still gives a list of 250, not an iterator that would use pagination, meaning diffs are incomplete.

Would be happy to review a PR that fixed this

Yep, got a solution working on my machine, but never submitted a PR to anyone else's project before! Give me a minute and I'll try.

basically, changing

    def _update_attributes(self, compare):
        self._api = compare["url"]
        self.ahead_by = compare["ahead_by"]
        self.base_commit = commit.ShortCommit(compare["base_commit"], self)
        self.behind_by = compare["behind_by"]
        self.commits = compare["commits"]
        self.total_commits = compare["total_commits"]
        if self.commits:
            if self.total_commits>len(self.commits):
                self.commits=self._iter(-1, self._api, commit.ShortCommit, list_key="commits")
                self.commits = [
                    commit.ShortCommit(com, self) for com in self.commits

Just always do _iter. Inconsistent return types will bite users and confuse them.

Fair enough, although by default github API returns 250 items with the original call, so trying to save some bandwidth