(how2sign) unable to download dataset
Closed this issue · 2 comments
quochung5c commented
I can't download how2sign dataset with below code
config = SignDatasetConfig(name="only-annotations", version="1.0.0", include_video=False, include_pose=None)
how2sign = tfds.load(name='how2sign', builder_kwargs=dict(config=config))
It gets an error:
DatasetNotFoundError: Dataset how2sign not found.
I tried with how_2sign as suggested but it seems the download url has died.
bricksdont commented
Hi! how2_sign
seems to be correct name of the dataset. If the download fails for some specific URLs, can you try to simply restart the download? Previously downloaded files should be cached.
AmitMY commented
Hi, sorry for not getting to this earlier, it slipped from my radar.
The full error is below, and it ends with Did you mean: how2sign -> how2_sign
Please try how2_sign
tensorflow_datasets.core.registered.DatasetNotFoundError: Dataset how2sign not found.
Available datasets:
- abstract_reasoning
- accentdb
- aeslc
- aflw2k3d
- ag_news_subset
- ai2_arc
- ai2_arc_with_ir
- amazon_us_reviews
- anli
- answer_equivalence
- arc
- aslg_pc12
- asqa
- asset
- assin2
- autsl
- bair_robot_pushing_small
- bccd
- beans
- bee_dataset
- beir
- big_patent
- bigearthnet
- billsum
- binarized_mnist
- binary_alpha_digits
- ble_wind_field
- blimp
- booksum
- bool_q
- bsl_corpus
- c4
- caltech101
- caltech_birds2010
- caltech_birds2011
- cardiotox
- cars196
- cassava
- cats_vs_dogs
- celeb_a
- celeb_a_hq
- cfq
- cherry_blossoms
- chexpert
- chicago_fs_wild
- cifar10
- cifar100
- cifar10_1
- cifar10_corrupted
- citrus_leaves
- cityscapes
- civil_comments
- clevr
- clic
- clinc_oos
- cmaterdb
- cnn_dailymail
- coco
- coco_captions
- coil100
- colorectal_histology
- colorectal_histology_large
- common_voice
- coqa
- cos_e
- cosmos_qa
- covid19
- covid19sum
- crema_d
- criteo
- cs_restaurants
- curated_breast_imaging_ddsm
- cycle_gan
- d4rl_adroit_door
- d4rl_adroit_hammer
- d4rl_adroit_pen
- d4rl_adroit_relocate
- d4rl_antmaze
- d4rl_mujoco_ant
- d4rl_mujoco_halfcheetah
- d4rl_mujoco_hopper
- d4rl_mujoco_walker2d
- dart
- davis
- deep1b
- deep_weeds
- definite_pronoun_resolution
- dementiabank
- dgs_corpus
- dgs_types
- diabetic_retinopathy_detection
- diamonds
- dicta_sign
- div2k
- dmlab
- doc_nli
- dolphin_number_word
- domainnet
- downsampled_imagenet
- drop
- dsprites
- dtd
- duke_ultrasound
- e2e_cleaned
- efron_morris75
- emnist
- eraser_multi_rc
- esnli
- eurosat
- fashion_mnist
- flic
- flores
- food101
- forest_fires
- fuss
- gap
- geirhos_conflict_stimuli
- gem
- genomics_ood
- german_credit_numeric
- gigaword
- glove100_angular
- glue
- goemotions
- gov_report
- gpt3
- gref
- groove
- grounded_scan
- gsm8k
- gtzan
- gtzan_music_speech
- hellaswag
- higgs
- hillstrom
- horses_or_humans
- how2_sign
- howell
- i_naturalist2017
- i_naturalist2018
- imagenet2012
- imagenet2012_corrupted
- imagenet2012_fewshot
- imagenet2012_multilabel
- imagenet2012_real
- imagenet2012_subset
- imagenet_a
- imagenet_lt
- imagenet_r
- imagenet_resized
- imagenet_sketch
- imagenet_v2
- imagenette
- imagewang
- imdb_reviews
- irc_disentanglement
- iris
- istella
- kddcup99
- kitti
- kmnist
- lambada
- lfw
- librispeech
- librispeech_lm
- libritts
- ljspeech
- lm1b
- locomotion
- lost_and_found
- lsun
- lvis
- malaria
- math_dataset
- math_qa
- mctaco
- media_sum
- mlqa
- mnist
- mnist_corrupted
- movie_lens
- movie_rationales
- movielens
- moving_mnist
- mrqa
- mslr_web
- mt_opt
- multi_news
- multi_nli
- multi_nli_mismatch
- natural_questions
- natural_questions_open
- newsroom
- ngt_corpus
- nsynth
- nyu_depth_v2
- ogbg_molpcba
- omniglot
- open_images_challenge2019_detection
- open_images_v4
- openbookqa
- opinion_abstracts
- opinosis
- opus
- oxford_flowers102
- oxford_iiit_pet
- para_crawl
- pass
- patch_camelyon
- paws_wiki
- paws_x_wiki
- penguins
- pet_finder
- pg19
- piqa
- places365_small
- plant_leaves
- plant_village
- plantae_k
- protein_net
- qa4mre
- qasc
- quac
- quality
- quickdraw_bitmap
- race
- radon
- reddit
- reddit_disentanglement
- reddit_tifu
- ref_coco
- resisc45
- rlu_atari
- rlu_atari_checkpoints
- rlu_atari_checkpoints_ordered
- rlu_control_suite
- rlu_dmlab_explore_object_rewards_few
- rlu_dmlab_explore_object_rewards_many
- rlu_dmlab_rooms_select_nonmatching_object
- rlu_dmlab_rooms_watermaze
- rlu_dmlab_seekavoid_arena01
- rlu_locomotion
- rlu_rwrl
- robomimic_ph
- robonet
- robosuite_panda_pick_place_can
- rock_paper_scissors
- rock_you
- rwth_phoenix2014_t
- s3o4d
- salient_span_wikipedia
- samsum
- savee
- scan
- scene_parse150
- schema_guided_dialogue
- sci_tail
- scicite
- scientific_papers
- scrolls
- sentiment140
- shapes3d
- sift1m
- sign2_mint
- sign_bank
- sign_suisse
- sign_typ
- simpte
- siscore
- smallnorb
- smartwatch_gestures
- snli
- so2sat
- speech_commands
- spoken_digit
- squad
- squad_question_generation
- stanford_dogs
- stanford_online_products
- star_cfq
- starcraft_video
- stl10
- story_cloze
- summscreen
- sun397
- super_glue
- svhn_cropped
- swojs_glossario
- symmetric_solids
- tao
- ted_hrlr_translate
- ted_multi_translate
- tedlium
- tf_flowers
- the300w_lp
- tiny_shakespeare
- titanic
- trec
- trivia_qa
- tydi_qa
- uc_merced
- ucf101
- unified_qa
- vctk
- visual_domain_decathlon
- voc
- voxceleb
- voxforge
- waymo_open_dataset
- web_graph
- web_nlg
- web_questions
- wider_face
- wiki40b
- wiki_auto
- wiki_bio
- wiki_dialog
- wiki_table_questions
- wiki_table_text
- wikiann
- wikihow
- wikipedia
- wikipedia_toxicity_subtypes
- wine_quality
- winogrande
- wit
- wit_kaggle
- wlasl
- wmt13_translate
- wmt14_translate
- wmt15_translate
- wmt16_translate
- wmt17_translate
- wmt18_translate
- wmt19_translate
- wmt_t2t_translate
- wmt_translate
- wmtslt
- wordnet
- wsc273
- xnli
- xquad
- xsum
- xtreme_pawsx
- xtreme_s
- xtreme_xnli
- yelp_polarity_reviews
- yes_no
- youtube_vis
Check that:
- if dataset was added recently, it may only be available
in `tfds-nightly`
- the dataset name is spelled correctly
- dataset class defines all base class abstract methods
- the module defining the dataset class is imported
Did you mean: how2sign -> how2_sign