dataset(wikidata): add wikidata parallel dataset for SignWriting and spoken languages
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AmitMY commented
WikiData includes some data in SignWriting, for example
Under "ase" it shows
"ase": {
"language": "ase",
"value": "M528x523S14c02497x497S14c0a472x500S2e85e483x478 M525x535S2e748483x510S10011501x466S2e704510x500S10019476x475 M551x515S1dc50504x485S1dc58474x485S26512449x501S26506536x501"
All the data with SignWriting:
They are also assigned with a concept ID, which has a spoken language word in many languages. This means that while there are only 543 entries, it can be that there are up to 54K multilingual parallel examples.