
Enhancing Pipeline with Vietnamese Language Support

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi @AmitMY
Continuing the problem from previous issues and PRs,
After I can create a dummy lexicon and get a csv file like the image below
I have pip install all . and run the command
text_to_gloss_to_pose --text "Xin Chao." --glosser "simple" --lexicon "spoken-to-signed-translation/assets/vn_sign" --spoken-language "vi" --signed-language "vn_sign" --pose "quick_test.pose"

and get the error, am I getting an error that does not support any vietnamese language

usage: text_to_gloss_to_pose [-h] --text TEXT --glosser {simple,spacylemma,rules,nmt} --spoken-language {de,fr,it,en} --signed-language {sgg,gsg,bfi} --lexicon LEXICON --pose POSE
text_to_gloss_to_pose: error: argument --spoken-language: invalid choice: 'vi' (choose from 'de', 'fr', 'it', 'en')

Thank you for your enthusiastic support @AmitMY

the error is because we don't support this language, since we did not test it.

if you want to add it, you need to add it

Also, check out your paths:
some back slashes, some forward slashes

Thanks @AmitMY ,

After fixing many errors, I got stuck at the step (as shown below). I went to the lookup_sequence error function, so I wanted to ask.

  • This function is looking for the glosses column in index.csv, right? Because as shown in the image above, I have that column blank.
  • And when I edit thelookup_sequencefunction and python -m pip install .
    The program will automatically rebuild the code as before, losing my changes.


Hi @AmitMY ,
Do you have an update on this bug, how about I spend some time re-reading the project wiki. Thank you for your support

Hey there. I recently broke both hands so I'll be a lot slower to reply.
What I see in your example is that you're using the simple lemmatizer that breaks your word into two.
You should try using the spacy lemmatizer

When you reinstall, it should install with your changes unless you're in the wrong directory.