Error while Installing Otel ollector for Windows Nodes using Helm
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What happened?
We have a kubernetes cluster with both linux and windows nodes. We want to install splunk into the cluster using helm.
I have been able to install the chart for linux nodes.
When I try to install for the windows nodes, I get a CrashLoopBackOff error.
Steps to Reproduce
Created a values file for windows install and updated the values based on the ReadMe
isWindows: true
logsEngine: otel
initialDelaySeconds: 60
initialDelaySeconds: 60
enabled: false
Expected Result
Successful install of splunk otel collector on the windows node
Actual Result
Error: failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: ││ hcs::CreateComputeSystem otel-collector: The container operating system does not match the host operating system.: unknown ││ Warning BackOff 8s (x4 over 11s) kubelet Back-off restarting failed container
Chart version
Environment information
Chart configuration
# Configurable parameters and default values for splunk-otel-collector.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declared variables will be passed into templates.
# nameOverride replaces the name of the chart, when this is used to construct
# Kubernetes object names.
nameOverride: ""
# fullnameOverride completely replaces the generated name.
fullnameOverride: ""
# clusterName is a REQUIRED. It can be set to an arbitrary value that identifies
# your K8s cluster. The value will be associated with every trace, metric and
# log as "" attribute.
clusterName: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# Splunk Cloud / Splunk Enterprise configuration.
# Specify `endpoint` and `token` in order to send data to Splunk Cloud or Splunk
# Enterprise.
# Required for Splunk Enterprise/Cloud. URL to a Splunk instance to send data
# to. e.g. "http://X.X.X.X:8088/services/collector/event". Setting this parameter
# enables Splunk Platform as a destination. Use the /services/collector/event
# endpoint for proper extraction of fields.
endpoint: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# Required for Splunk Enterprise/Cloud (if `endpoint` is specified). Splunk
# Alternatively the token can be provided as a secret.
# Refer to
# HTTP Event Collector token.
token: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# Name of the Splunk event type index targeted. Required when ingesting logs to Splunk Platform.
index: "integracloud_azure_apps"
# Name of the Splunk metric type index targeted. Required when ingesting metrics to Splunk Platform.
metricsIndex: "integracloud_azure_apps"
# Name of the Splunk event type index targeted. Required when ingesting traces to Splunk Platform.
tracesIndex: ""
# Optional. Default value for `source` field.
source: "kubernetes"
# Optional. Default value for `sourcetype` field. For container logs, it will
# be container name.
sourcetype: ""
# Maximum HTTP connections to use simultaneously when sending data.
maxConnections: 200
# Whether to disable gzip compression over HTTP. Defaults to true.
disableCompression: true
# HTTP timeout when sending data. Defaults to 10s.
timeout: 10s
# Idle connection timeout. defaults to 10s
idleConnTimeout: 10s
# Whether to skip checking the certificate of the HEC endpoint when sending
# data over HTTPS.
insecureSkipVerify: false
# The PEM-format CA certificate for this client.
# Alternatively the clientCert, clientKey and caFile can be provided as a secret.
# Refer to
# NOTE: The content of the certificate itself should be used here, not the
# file path. The certificate will be stored as a secret in kubernetes.
clientCert: ""
# The private key for this client.
# NOTE: The content of the key itself should be used here, not the file path.
# The key will be stored as a secret in kubernetes.
clientKey: ""
# The PEM-format CA certificate file.
# NOTE: The content of the file itself should be used here, not the file path.
# The file will be stored as a secret in kubernetes.
caFile: ""
# Options to disable or enable particular telemetry data types that will be sent to
# Splunk Platform. Only logs collection is enabled by default.
logsEnabled: true
# If you enable metrics collection, make sure that `metricsIndex` is provided as well.
metricsEnabled: false
# If you enable traces collection, make sure that `tracesIndex` is provided as well.
tracesEnabled: false
# Field name conventions to use. (Only for those who are migrating from Splunk Connect for Kubernetes helm chart)
# Boolean for renaming pod metadata fields to match to Splunk Connect for Kubernetes helm chart.
renameFieldsSck: false
# Boolean for keeping Otel convention fields after renaming it
keepOtelConvention: true
# Refer to
# for detailed examples
enabled: true
# Time to wait after the first failure before retrying; ignored if enabled is false
initialInterval: 5s
# The upper bound on backoff; ignored if enabled is false
maxInterval: 30s
# The maximum amount of time spent trying to send a batch; ignored if enabled is false
maxElapsedTime: 300s
enabled: true
# Number of consumers that dequeue batches; ignored if enabled is false
numConsumers: 10
# Maximum number of batches kept in memory before dropping; ignored if enabled is false
# User should calculate this as num_seconds * requests_per_second where:
# num_seconds is the number of seconds to buffer in case of a backend outage
# requests_per_second is the average number of requests per seconds.
queueSize: 5000
# Splunk Observability configuration
# Specify `realm` and `accessToken` to telemetry data to Splunk Observability
# Cloud.
# Required for Splunk Observability. Splunk Observability realm to send
# telemetry data to. Setting this parameter enables Splunk Observability as a
# destination.
realm: ""
# Required for Splunk Observability (if `realm` is specified). Splunk
# Alternatively the accessToken can be provided as a secret.
# Refer to
# Observability org access token.
accessToken: ""
# Optional. Splunk Observability ingest URL, default:
# "https://ingest.<realm>".
ingestUrl: ""
# Optional. Splunk Observability API URL, default:
# "https://api.<realm>".
apiUrl: ""
# Options to disable or enable particular telemetry data types.
metricsEnabled: true
tracesEnabled: true
logsEnabled: false
# Option to send Kubernetes events to Splunk Observability Infrastructure Monitoring as data events:
# To send Kubernetes events to Splunk Observability Log Observer, configure clusterReceiver.k8sObjects
# and set splunkObservability.logsEnabled to true.
infrastructureMonitoringEventsEnabled: false
# This option just enables the shared pipeline for logs and profiling data.
# There is no active collection of profiling data.
# Instrumentation libraries must be configured to send it to the collector.
# If you don't use AlwaysOn Profiling for Splunk APM, you can disable it.
profilingEnabled: false
# Logs collection engine:
# - `fluentd`: deploy a fluentd sidecar that will collect logs and send them to
# otel-collector agent for further processing.
# - `otel`: utilize native OpenTelemetry log collection.
# Change it to `otel` to get higher throughput performance and avoid installing
# an extra container for fluentd.
logsEngine: otel
# Cloud provider, if any, the collector is running on. Leave empty for none/other.
# - "aws" (Amazon Web Services)
# - "gcp" (Google Cloud Platform)
# - "azure" (Microsoft Azure)
cloudProvider: "azure"
# Kubernetes distribution being run. Leave empty for other.
# - "aks" (Azure Kubernetes Service)
# - "eks" (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service)
# - "eks/fargate" (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service with Fargate profiles )
# - "gke" (Google Kubernetes Engine / Standard mode)
# - "gke/autopilot" (Google Kubernetes Engine / Autopilot mode)
# - "openshift" (RedHat OpenShift)
distribution: "aks"
# Optional "environment" parameter that will be added to all the telemetry
# data (traces/logs/metrics) as an attribute. It will allow Splunk Observability
# users to investigate data coming from different source separately.
# See:
# environment: production
# Optional: Automatic detection of additional metric sources.
# Set autodetect.prometheus=true if you want the otel-collector agent to scrape
# prometheus metrics from pods that have prometheus-style annotations like
# "".
# Set autodetect.istio=true in istio environment.
prometheus: false
# This option is recommended for istio environments. It does the following things:
# - Enables scraping istio control plane metrics from Promethes endpoints.
# - Add a `` resource attribute to logs with the same value as istio generates for
# traces to enable correlation between logs and traces usign this attribute.
istio: false
# Optional: Configuration for additional metadata that will be added to all the
# telemetry as extra attributes.
# IMPORTANT: Additional attributes configured with `fromLabels` and
# `fromAttributes` options are only applied to traces and logs. Pod labels are
# always sent to Splunk Observability (if enabled) as metric properties.
# Labels that will be collected from k8s pods (or namespaces) (in case they are set)
# and added as extra attributes to the telemetry in the following format:
# k8s.<pod|namespace>.labels.<label_name>: <label_value>
# For example, if you want to collect "my_key" label from your namespaces, you could use the following:
# fromLabels:
# - key: my_key
# from: namespace
# If you want to change the default attribute name `k8s.pod.labels.<label_name>`, you could do that using a `tag_name` field:
# fromLabels:
# - key: my_key
# tag_name: my_tag
# from: pod
# `key_regex` field can be used to get a specific set of labels that match a regex.
# If `key_regex` used is used, the `key` field accepts regexp matching groups.
# The following example will fetch all the pod labels and propagate them to the attributes as is,
# without "k8s.pod.labels." prefix. "$" from the matching group must be escaped as "$$".
# fromLabels:
# - key_regex: (.*)
# from: pod
# tag_name: "$$1"
- key: app
# Annotations that will be collected from k8s pods (or namespaces) (in case they are set)
# and added as extra attributes to the telemetry in the following format:
# k8s.<pod|namespace>.annotations.<annotation_name>: <annotation_value>
# fromAnnotations uses the same extraction rules as fromLabels option so refer examples from the fromLabels option.
fromAnnotations: []
# List of hardcoded key/value pairs that will be added as attributes to
# all the telemetry.
- name: "environment"
value: "ent-shared-dev"
# OpenTelemetry collector running as an deamonset agent on every node.
# It collects metrics and traces and send them to Signalfx backend.
enabled: true
# Metric collection from k8s control plane components.
# For control plane configuration details see: docs/
# Specifies whether to collect apiserver metrics.
enabled: true
# Specifies whether to collect controller manager metrics.
enabled: true
# Specifies whether to collect coredns metrics.
enabled: true
# Specifies whether to collect etcd metrics.
# For set up etcd metrics details see: docs/
enabled: false
# The name of the secret the helm chart will create (if name is empty the default name is used) or the name
# of a secret that the user created (empty names are not valid for user created secrets).
name: ""
# Option for creating a new secret or using an existing one.
# When secret.create=true, a new kubernetes secret will be created by the helm chart that will contain the
# values from clientCert, clientKey, and caFile.
# When secret.create=false, the user must set to a name of a k8s secret the user created.
create: false
# Used when secret.create=true. The PEM-format CA certificate for the etcd client.
# NOTE: The content of the certificate itself should be used here, not the
# file path. The certificate will be stored as a secret in kubernetes.
clientCert: ""
# Used when secret.create=true. The private key for the etcd client.
# NOTE: The content of the key itself should be used here, not the file path.
# The key will be stored as a secret in kubernetes.
clientKey: ""
# Optional. Used when secret.create=true and skipVerify=false. The PEM-format CA certificate file.
# NOTE: The content of the file itself should be used here, not the file path.
# The file will be stored as a secret in kubernetes.
caFile: ""
# Specifies whether the etcd's TLS cert will be verified. If set to false, a CA certificate must be made
# available as part of the etcd secret to verify the TLS cert with.
skipVerify: true
# Specifies whether to collect proxy metrics.
enabled: true
# Specifies whether to collect scheduler metrics.
enabled: true
# The ports to be exposed by the agent to the host.
# Make sure that only necessary ports are exposed, <hostIP, hostPort, protocol> combination must
# be unique across all the nodes in k8s cluster. Any port can be disabled,
# For example to disable zipkin ports set `agent.ports.zipkin: null`.
containerPort: 4317
hostPort: 4317
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [traces, metrics, logs, profiling]
containerPort: 4318
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [metrics, traces, logs, profiling]
containerPort: 55681
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [metrics, traces, logs]
containerPort: 9080
hostPort: 9080
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [traces]
containerPort: 9411
hostPort: 9411
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [traces]
containerPort: 14268
hostPort: 14268
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [traces]
containerPort: 14250
hostPort: 14250
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [traces]
containerPort: 8006
hostPort: 8006
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [logs]
containerPort: 9943
hostPort: 9943
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [metrics]
cpu: 200m
# This value is being used as a source for default memory_limiter processor configurations
memory: 500Mi
# To collect container logs and journald logs, it will run the agent as a root user.
# To run it as non root user, uncomment below `securityContext` options.
# Setting runAsUser and runAsGroup to a non root user enables an init container that patches group
# permissions of container logs directories on the host filesystem to make logs readable by this non root user.
securityContext: {}
# runAsUser: 20000
# runAsGroup: 20000
# Specifies DaemonSet update strategy.
# Possible values: "OnDelete" and "RollingUpdate".
updateStrategy: RollingUpdate
# Specifies the maximum of pods that can be unavailable during update process.
# Applicable only when updateStrategy is set to "RollingUpdate".
# Can be an absolute number or a percentage. The default is 1.
maxUnavailable: 1
# OTel agent annotations
annotations: {}
podAnnotations: {}
# OTel agent extra pod labels
podLabels: {}
# Extra enviroment variables to be set in the OTel agent container
extraEnvs: []
# Extra volumes to be mounted to the agent daemonset.
# The volumes will be available for both OTel agent and fluentd containers.
extraVolumes: []
extraVolumeMounts: []
# Enable or disable features of the agent.
featureGates: ""
# OpenTelemetry Collector configuration for otel-agent daemonset can be overriden in this field.
# Default configuration defined in templates/config/_otel-agent.tpl
# Any additional fields will be merged into the defaults,
# existing fields can be disabled by setting them to null value.
config: {}
# OpenTelemetry Kubernetes cluster receiver
# This is an extra 1-replica deployment of Open-temlemetry collector used
# specifically for collecting metrics from kubernetes API.
# Cluster receiver collects cluster level metrics from the Kubernetes API.
# It has to be running on one pod, so it uses its own dedicated deployment with 1 replica.
enabled: false
# Need to be adjusted based on size of the monitored cluster
cpu: 200m
memory: 500Mi
# Scheduling configurations
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
affinity: {}
# Pod configurations
securityContext: {}
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 600
priorityClassName: ""
# k8s cluster receiver collector annotations
annotations: {}
podAnnotations: {}
# This flag enables Kubernetes events collection using OpenTelemetry Kubernetes Events Receiver
# This option requires `logsEnabled` to be set to `true` for either `splunkObservability` or `splunkPlatform`
# depending on where you want to send the events. Otherwise this option will not have any effect.
# The receiver currently is in alpha state which means that events format might change over time.
# Once the receiver is stabilized, it'll be enabled by default in this helm chart
eventsEnabled: false
# Kubernetes objects collection using OpenTelemetry Kubernetes Object Receiver
# This option requires `logsEnabled` to be set to `true` for either `splunkObservability` or `splunkPlatform`
# depending on where you want to send the events. Otherwise, this option will not have any effect.
# The receiver currently is in alpha state which means that events format might change over time.
# Once the receiver is stabilized, it'll be enabled by default in this helm chart
# == Schema ==
# k8sObjects:
# - <objectDefinition>
# ```
# Each `objectDefinition` has the following fields:
# * mode:
# define in which way it collects this type of object, either "pull" or "watch".
# - "pull" mode will read all objects of this type use the list API at an interval. Default mode.
# - "watch" mode will setup a long connection using the watch API to just get updates.
# * name: [REQUIRED]
# name of the object, e.g. `pods`, `namespaces`.
# * namespace:
# only collects objects from the specified namespace, by default it's all namespaces
# * labelSelector:
# select objects by label(s)
# * fieldSelector:
# select objects by field(s)
# * interval:
# the interval at which object is pulled, default 60 seconds.
# Only useful for "pull" mode.
# == Example ==
# ```
# k8sObjects:
# - name: pods
# mode: pull
# label_selector: environment in (production),tier in (frontend)
# field_selector: status.phase=Running
# interval: 15m
# - name: events
# mode: watch
# group:
# namespaces: [default]
# ```
# The configuration format in details is described here:
k8sObjects: []
# k8s cluster receiver extra pod labels
podLabels: {}
# Extra enviroment variables to be set in the OTel Cluster Receiver container
extraEnvs: []
# Extra volumes to be mounted to the k8s cluster receiver container.
extraVolumes: []
extraVolumeMounts: []
# Enable or disable features of the cluster receiver.
featureGates: ""
# OpenTelemetry Collector configuration for K8s Cluster Receiver deployment can be overriden in this field.
# Default configuration defined in templates/config/_otel-k8s-cluster-receiver-config.tpl
# Any additional fields will be merged into the defaults,
# existing fields can be disabled by setting them to null value.
config: {}
# Native OpenTelemetry logs collection
# Disabled by default in favor of fluentd.
# Can be enabled by setting "logsEngine: otel".
# Receiver Documentation:
# OpenTelemetry Logging Documentation:
# Container logs collection
enabled: true
# Container runtime. One of `docker`, `cri-o`, or `containerd`
# Automatically discovered if not set.
containerRuntime: ""
# Paths of logfiles to exclude. object type is array:
# i.e. to exclude `kube-system` namespace,
# excludePaths: ["/var/log/pods/kube-system_*/*/*.log"]
excludePaths: []
# Boolean for ingesting the agent's own log
excludeAgentLogs: true
# Extra operators for container logs.
extraOperators: []
# Multiline logs processing configuration. Multiline logs that written by containers to stdout
# are usually broken down into several one-line logs and can be reconstructed with a regex
# expression that matches the first line of each logs batch. The following operator is being
# utilized for this purpose:
# By the time of reconstructing a multiline log the following information is available to
# identify source of the logs: namespace, pod and container names. At least one source
# identifier has to be specified in for each multiline config.
# The following example shows how to setup multiline log processing for logs having subsequent
# log lines written with an offset. Let's say a k8s deployment called "buttercup-app" is
# scheduled to run in "default" namespace with a java container called "server", and the
# container produces the following log example:
# .........
# Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "3.1415"
# at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
# at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
# at ExampleCli.parseNumericArgument(
# at ExampleCli.parseCliOptions(
# at ExampleCli.main(
# .........
# The following sample configuration will handle multiline logs from that specific container:
# multilineConfigs:
# - namespaceName:
# value: default
# podName:
# value: buttercup-app-.*
# useRegexp: true
# containerName:
# value: server
# firstEntryRegex: ^[^\s].*
multilineConfigs: []
# Set useSplunkIncludeAnnotation flag to `true` to collect logs from pods with ` true` annotation and ignore others.
# All other logs will be ignored.
useSplunkIncludeAnnotation: false
# maxRecombineLogsSize sets the maximum size in bytes of a message recombined from cri-o, containerd and docker log entries.
# Set to 0 to remove any size limit.
maxRecombineLogSize: 1048576
# Configuration for collecting journald logs using otel collector
enabled: false
# Please update directory path for journald if it's different from below default value "/var/log/journal"
directory: /var/log/journal
# List of service units to collect journald logs for and configuration for each.
- name: kubelet
priority: info
- name: docker
priority: info
- name: containerd
priority: info
# Route journald logs to its own Splunk Index by specifying the index value below, else leave it blank. Please make sure the index exist in Splunk and is configured to receive HEC traffic. Not applicable to Splunk Observability.
index: ""
checkpointPath: "/var/addon/splunk/otel_pos"
# Files on k8s nodes to tail.
# Make sure to configure volume mounts properly at `agent.extraVolumes` and `agent.extraVolumeMounts`.
extraFileLogs: {}
# Sample configuration to collect Audit logs. Please note hostPath can vary depending on the audit-policy.yaml configuration.
# extraFileLogs:
# filelog/audit-log:
# include: [/var/log/kubernetes/apiserver/audit.log]
# start_at: beginning
# include_file_path: true
# include_file_name: false
# resource:
# com.splunk.source: /var/log/kubernetes/apiserver/audit.log
# 'EXPR(env("K8S_NODE_NAME"))'
# com.splunk.sourcetype: kube:apiserver-audit
# Fluentd sidecar configuration for logs collection.
# As of now, this is the recommended way to collect k8s logs,
# but it will be replaced by the native otel logs collection soon.
cpu: 500m
memory: 500Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 200Mi
runAsUser: 0
# Extra enviroment variables to be set in the FluentD container
extraEnvs: []
# Configurations for container logs
# Path to root directory of container logs
path: /var/log
# Final volume destination of container log symlinks
pathDest: /var/lib/docker/containers
# Log format type, "json" or "cri".
# If omitted (default), the value is detected automatically based on container runtime.
# "json" is set if docker runtime detected, otherwise it defaults to "cri".
logFormatType: ""
# Specify the log format for "cri" logFormatType
# It can be "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%N%:z" for openshift and "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ" for IBM IKS
criTimeFormat: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%N%:z"
# Directory where to read journald logs. (docker daemon logs, kubelet logs, and anyother specified serivce logs)
journalLogPath: /run/log/journal
# Controls the output buffer for the fluentd daemonset
# Note that, for memory buffer, if `resources.limits.memory` is set,
# the total buffer size should not bigger than the memory limit, it should also
# consider the basic memory usage by fluentd itself.
# All buffer parameters (except Argument) defined in
# can be configured here.
"@type": memory
total_limit_size: 600m
chunk_limit_size: 1m
chunk_limit_records: 100000
flush_interval: 5s
flush_thread_count: 1
overflow_action: block
retry_max_times: 3
# logLevel is to set log level of the Splunk log collector.
# Available values are: trace, debug, info, warn, error
logLevel: info
# path of logfiles, default /var/log/containers/*.log
path: /var/log/containers/*.log
# paths of logfiles to exclude. object type is array as per fluentd specification:
excludePath: []
# - /var/log/containers/kube-svc-redirect*.log
# - /var/log/containers/tiller*.log
# Prefix for pos_file tail source parameter
# Can be used if you want to run multiple instances of fluentd on the same host
posFilePrefix: /var/log/splunk-fluentd
# `customFilters` defines the custom filters to be used.
# This section can be used to define custom filters using plugins like
# Its also possible to use other filters like
# The scheme to define a custom filter is:
# ```
# <name>:
# tag: <fluentd tag for the filter>
# type: <fluentd filter type>
# body: <definition of the fluentd filter>
# ```
# = fluentd tag for the filter =
# This is the fluentd tag for the record
# = fluentd filter type =
# This is the fluentd filter that the user wants to use for record manipulation.
# = definition of the fluentd filter =
# This defines the body/logic for using the filter for record manipulation.
# For example if you want to define a filter which sets cluster_name field to "my_awesome_cluster" you would the following filter
# <filter tail.containers.**>
# @type jq_transformer
# jq '.record.cluster_name = "my_awesome_cluster" | .record'
# </filter>
# This can be defined in the customFilters section as follows:
# ```
# customFilters:
# NamespaceSourcetypeFilter:
# tag: tail.containers.**
# type: jq_transformer
# body: jq '.record.cluster_name = "my_awesome_cluster" | .record'
# ```
customFilters: {}
# `logs` defines the source of logs, multiline support, and their sourcetypes.
# The scheme to define a log is:
# ```
# <name>:
# from:
# <source>
# timestampExtraction:
# regexp: "<regexp_to_extract_timestamp_from_log>"
# format: "<format_of_the_timestamp>"
# multiline:
# firstline: "<regexp_to_detect_firstline_of_multiline>"
# flushInterval: 5s
# sourcetype: "<sourcetype_of_logs>"
# ```
# = <source> =
# It supports 3 kinds of sources: journald, file, and container.
# For `journald` logs, `unit` is required for filtering using _SYSTEMD_UNIT, example:
# ```
# docker:
# from:
# journald:
# unit: docker.service
# ```
# For `file` logs, `path` is required for specifying where is the log files. Log files are expected in `/var/log`, example:
# ```
# docker:
# from:
# file:
# path: /var/log/docker.log
# ```
# For `container` logs, `pod` field is required. It represents part of
# the pod name, can be name of a deployment or replica set. Use "*" to
# apply the configuration to all pods. Optional `container` value can be
# used to apply configuration to a particular container.
# ```
# kube-apiserver:
# from:
# pod: kube-apiserver
# etcd:
# from:
# pod: etcd-server
# container: etcd-container
# ```
# = timestamp =
# `timestampExtraction` defines how to extract timestamp from logs. This *only* works for `file` source.
# To use `timestampExtraction` you need to define both:
# - `regexp`: the Regular Expression used to find the timestamp from a log entry.
# The timestamp part must be in a `time` named group. E.g.
# (?<time>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})
# - `format`: a format string defintes how to parse the timestamp, e.g. "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S".
# More details can be find:
# = multiline =
# `multiline` options provide basic multiline support. Two options:
# - `firstline`: a Regular Expression used to detect the first line of a multiline log.
# - `flushInterval`: The interval between data flushes, default value: 5s.
# = sourcetype =
# sourcetype of each kind of log can be defined using the `sourcetype` field.
# If `sourcetype` is not defined, `name` will be used.
# ---
# Here we have some default timestampExtraction and multiline settings for kubernetes components.
# So, usually you just need to redefine the source of those components if necessary.
unit: docker.service
regexp: time="(?<time>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d.\d{9}Z)"
format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ"
sourcetype: kube:docker
kubelet: &glog
unit: kubelet.service
regexp: \w(?<time>[0-1]\d[0-3]\d [^\s]*)
format: "%m%d %H:%M:%S.%N"
firstline: /^\w[0-1]\d[0-3]\d/
sourcetype: kube:kubelet
pod: etcd-server
container: etcd-container
regexp: (?<time>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} [0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d\.\d{6})
format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N"
pod: etcd-minikube
container: etcd
regexp: (?<time>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} [0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d\.\d{6})
format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N"
pod: etcd-server-events
container: etcd-container
regexp: (?<time>\d{4}-[0-1]\d-[0-3]\d [0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d\.\d{6})
format: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N"
<<: *glog
pod: kube-apiserver
sourcetype: kube:kube-apiserver
<<: *glog
pod: kube-scheduler
sourcetype: kube:kube-scheduler
<<: *glog
pod: kube-controller-manager
sourcetype: kube:kube-controller-manager
<<: *glog
pod: kube-proxy
sourcetype: kube:kube-proxy
<<: *glog
pod: kube-dns
sourcetype: kube:kubedns
<<: *glog
pod: kube-dns
sourcetype: kube:dnsmasq
<<: *glog
pod: kube-dns
container: sidecar
sourcetype: kube:kubedns-sidecar
<<: *glog
pod: dns-controller
sourcetype: kube:dns-controller
<<: *glog
pod: kube-dns-autoscaler
container: autoscaler
sourcetype: kube:kube-dns-autoscaler
path: /var/log/kube-apiserver-audit.log
format: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
sourcetype: kube:apiserver-audit
# Docker image configuration
# Secrets to attach to the respective serviceaccount to pull docker images
imagePullSecrets: []
# The registry and name of the fluentd image to pull
repository: splunk/fluentd-hec
# The tag of the fluentd image to pull
tag: 1.2.8
# The policy that specifies when the user wants the fluentd images to be pulled
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# The registry and name of the opentelemetry collector image to pull
# The tag of the Splunk OTel Collector image, default value is the chart appVersion
tag: ""
# The policy that specifies when the user wants the opentelemetry collector images to be pulled
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Image to be used by init container that patches log directories on the host, so the collector can read from them as a non-root user.
# Effective only if `agent.securityContext.runAsUser` and `agent.securityContext.runAsGroup` are set to non-zero values.
# The registry and name of the Universal Base Image 9 image to pull
# The tag of the Universal Base Image 9, default value is latest
tag: ""
# The policy that specifies when the user wants the Universal Base images to be pulled
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Extra system configuration
## Limits how many pods may be unavailable due to voluntary disruptions.
podDisruptionBudget: {}
# Minimum number of pods (as a number or percentage) that must remain available.
# minAvailable:
# Maximum number of pods (as a number or percentage) that can be unavailable.
# maxUnavailable:
# Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created
create: true
# The name of the ServiceAccount to use.
# If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
name: ""
# Service account annotations
annotations: {}
# Create or use existing RBAC resources
create: true
# Specifies additional rules that will be added to the clusterRole.
customRules: []
# Create or use existing secret if name is empty default name is used
create: true
name: ""
# Specifies whether secret provided by user should be validated.
validateSecret: true
# This default tolerations allow the daemonset to be deployed on control-plane
# nodes, so that we can also collect logs and metrics from those nodes.
- key:
effect: NoSchedule
- key:
effect: NoSchedule
# Defines which nodes should be selected to deploy the o11y collector daemonset.
nodeSelector: {}
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 600
# Defines node affinity to restrict deployment of the o11y collector daemonset.
affinity: {}
# Defines priorityClassName to assign a priority class to pods.
priorityClassName: ""
# This tells the kubelet that it should wait for x seconds before performing the first probe.
# This is required in case you are using windows worker nodes.
# It is recommended to keep it a 60-second window but it depends on cluster specification.
initialDelaySeconds: 60
initialDelaySeconds: 60
# Specifies whether to apply for k8s cluster with windows worker node.
isWindows: true
# Openshift SecurityContextConstraints can be overriden in this field.
# This fields will be merged into the default config that can be found at
# NOTE: This config will only be used when distribution=openshift
securityContextConstraintsOverwrite: {}
# OpenTelemetry "collector" k8s deployment configuration.
# This is an additional deployment of Open-telemetry collector that can be used
# to pass traces trough it, make k8s metadata enrichment and batching.
# Another use case is to point tracing instrumentation libraries directly to
# the collector endpoint instead of local agents. The collector running in the
# passthrough mode is recommended for large k8s clusters, disabled by default.
# Defines if collector deployment is enabled
# Recommended for large k8s clusters, disabled by default.
enabled: false
# Number of collector replicas
replicaCount: 3
# The ports exposed by the collector container.
# Any port can be disabled by setting to null.
# Any changes should be aligned with service.ports configuration below.
containerPort: 4317
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [metrics, traces, logs]
containerPort: 4318
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [metrics, traces, logs]
containerPort: 55681
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [metrics, traces, logs]
containerPort: 14268
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [traces]
containerPort: 14250
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [traces]
containerPort: 9411
protocol: TCP
enabled_for: [traces]
containerPort: 9943
protocol: TCP
# SignalFx metrics enabled in gateway for all telemetry types since there may be
# bundled metrics.
enabled_for: [metrics, traces, logs]
containerPort: 6060
protocol: TCP
# Enabled for all because SignalFx exporter will always send metadata updates when enabled.
enabled_for: [metrics, traces, logs]
cpu: 4
# Memory limit value is used as a source for default memory_limiter configuration
memory: 8Gi
# Scheduling configurations
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
affinity: {}
# Pod configurations
securityContext: {}
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 600
priorityClassName: ""
# OTel collector annotations
annotations: {}
podAnnotations: {}
# OTel collector extra pod labels
podLabels: {}
# Extra enviroment variables to be set in the standalone OTel collector container
extraEnvs: []
# Extra volumes to be mounted to the OTel Collector container.
extraVolumes: []
extraVolumeMounts: []
# Enable or disable features of the gateway.
featureGates: ""
# OpenTelemetry Collector configuration for standalone otel-collector deployment can be overriden in this field.
# Default configuration defined in config/otel-collector-config.yaml
# Any additional fields will be merged into the defaults,
# existing fields can be disabled by setting them to `null`.
config: {}
# OpenTelemetry service config, used for otel collector deployment.
# Disabled by default
# opentelemetry collector service created only if collector.enabled = true
# Service type
type: ClusterIP
# Service annotations
annotations: {}
# Default values for splunk-otel-network-explorer.
enabled: false
tag: latest-v0.9
pullPolicy: Always
imagePullSecrets: []
console: false
# possible values: { error | warning | info | debug | trace }
level: warning
enabled: false
storeMinidump: false
sendUnplannedExitMetric: true
enabled: true
name: splunk-network-explorer-kernel-collector
# tag: latest-v0.9
# repository:
nodeSelector: {}
disableHttpMetrics: false
create: false
name: ""
- operator: "Exists"
effect: "NoExecute"
- operator: "Exists"
effect: "NoSchedule"
affinity: {}
resources: {}
# uncomment the line below to disable automatic kernel headers fetching
# fetchKernelHeaders: false
# uncomment to enable enrichment using Docker metadata
# useDockerMetadata: true
# uncomment to enable enrichment using Nomad metadata (
# collectNomadMetadata: true
enabled: false
name: splunk-network-explorer-cloud-collector
# tag: latest-v0.9
# repository:
create: false
name: ""
iamRole: ""
enabled: true
name: splunk-network-explorer-k8s-relay
# tag: latest-v0.9
# repository:
name: splunk-network-explorer-k8s-watcher
# tag: latest-v0.9
# repository:
create: false
name: ""
ingestShards: 1
matchingShards: 1
aggregationShards: 1
disableInternalMetrics: true
disableMetrics: []
### to disable an entire metric category: ###
# - tcp.all
# - udp.all
# - dns.all
# - http.all
### to disable an individual metric: ###
### tcp ###
# - tcp.bytes
# - tcp.rtt.num_measurements
# -
# - tcp.rtt.average
# - tcp.packets
# - tcp.retrans
# - tcp.syn_timeouts
# - tcp.new_sockets
# - tcp.resets
### udp ###
# - udp.bytes
# - udp.packets
# -
# - udp.drops
### dns ###
# - dns.client.duration.average
# - dns.server.duration.average
# - dns.active_sockets
# - dns.responses
# - dns.timeouts
### http ##
# - http.client.duration.average
# - http.server.duration.average
# - http.active_sockets
# - http.status_code
### ebpf_net ##
# - ebpf_net.span_utilization_fraction
# - ebpf_net.pipeline_metric_bytes_discarded
# - ebpf_net.codetiming_min_ns
# - ebpf_net.entrypoint_info
# - ebpf_net.otlp_grpc.requests_sent
# - ebpf_net.connections
# - ebpf_net.rpc_queue_elem_utilization_fraction
# - ebpf_net.disconnects
# - ebpf_net.codetiming_avg_ns
# - ebpf_net.client_handle_pool
# - ebpf_net.otlp_grpc.successful_requests
# - ebpf_net.span_utilization
# - ebpf_net.up
# - ebpf_net.rpc_queue_buf_utilization_fraction
# - ebpf_net.collector_log_count
# - ebpf_net.time_since_last_message_ns
# - ebpf_net.bpf_log
# - ebpf_net.codetiming_count
# - ebpf_net.message
# - ebpf_net.otlp_grpc.bytes_sent
# - ebpf_net.pipeline_message_error
# - ebpf_net.pipeline_metric_bytes_written
# - ebpf_net.codetiming_max_ns
# - ebpf_net.span_utilization_max
# - ebpf_net.client_handle_pool_fraction
# - ebpf_net.span_utilization_fraction
# - ebpf_net.rpc_latency_ns
# - ebpf_net.agg_root_truncation
# - ebpf_net.clock_offset_ns
# - ebpf_net.otlp_grpc.metrics_sent
# - ebpf_net.otlp_grpc.unknown_response_tags
# - ebpf_net.collector_health
# - ebpf_net.codetiming_sum_ns
# - ebpf_net.otlp_grpc.failed_requests
# - ebpf_net.rpc_queue_buf_utilization
### to enable all metrics (including metrics turned off by default): ###
# - none
enableMetrics: []
### Disable metrics flag is evaluated first and only then enable metric flag is evaluated. ###
### to enable an entire metric category: ###
# - tcp.all
# - udp.all
# - dns.all
# - http.all
# - ebpf_net.all
### to enable an individual metric: ###
### tcp ###
# - tcp.bytes
# - tcp.rtt.num_measurements
# -
# - tcp.rtt.average
# - tcp.packets
# - tcp.retrans
# - tcp.syn_timeouts
# - tcp.new_sockets
# - tcp.resets
### udp ###
# - udp.bytes
# - udp.packets
# -
# - udp.drops
### dns ###
# - dns.client.duration.average
# - dns.server.duration.average
# - dns.active_sockets
# - dns.responses
# - dns.timeouts
### http ###
# - http.client.duration.average
# - http.server.duration.average
# - http.active_sockets
# - http.status_code
### ebpf_net ###
# - ebpf_net.span_utilization_fraction
# - ebpf_net.pipeline_metric_bytes_discarded
# - ebpf_net.codetiming_min_ns
# - ebpf_net.entrypoint_info
# - ebpf_net.otlp_grpc.requests_sent
# - ebpf_net.connections
# - ebpf_net.rpc_queue_elem_utilization_fraction
# - ebpf_net.disconnects
# - ebpf_net.codetiming_avg_ns
# - ebpf_net.client_handle_pool
# - ebpf_net.otlp_grpc.successful_requests
# - ebpf_net.span_utilization
# - ebpf_net.up
# - ebpf_net.rpc_queue_buf_utilization_fraction
# - ebpf_net.collector_log_count
# - ebpf_net.time_since_last_message_ns
# - ebpf_net.bpf_log
# - ebpf_net.codetiming_count
# - ebpf_net.message
# - ebpf_net.otlp_grpc.bytes_sent
# - ebpf_net.pipeline_message_error
# - ebpf_net.pipeline_metric_bytes_written
# - ebpf_net.codetiming_max_ns
# - ebpf_net.span_utilization_max
# - ebpf_net.client_handle_pool_fraction
# - ebpf_net.span_utilization_fraction
# - ebpf_net.rpc_latency_ns
# - ebpf_net.agg_root_truncation
# - ebpf_net.clock_offset_ns
# - ebpf_net.otlp_grpc.metrics_sent
# - ebpf_net.otlp_grpc.unknown_response_tags
# - ebpf_net.collector_health
# - ebpf_net.codetiming_sum_ns
# - ebpf_net.otlp_grpc.failed_requests
# - ebpf_net.rpc_queue_buf_utilization
telemetryPort: 7000
statsPromPort: 7001
name: splunk-network-explorer-reducer
# tag: latest-v0.9
# repository:
resources: {}
nodeSelector: {}
affinity: {}
tolerations: []
create: true
enabled: true
annotations: {}
## Specify pod annotations
## Ref:
## Ref:
## Ref:
# '*'
# 'docker/default'
# 'runtime/default'
# Notice: Operator related features should be considered to have an alpha
# maturity level and be experimental. There may be breaking changes or Operator
# features may be replaced entirely with a better alternative in the future.
# The OpenTelemetry Operator running as a deployment with a replica count of 1.
# It auto-instruments applications to emit telemetry data.
# Related documentation:
# Full list of Helm value configurations:
enabled: false
# For more details, refer to:
# Overrides for default instrumentation configurations can be specified here.
# Source:
# Rendered Default:
# Optional "endpoint" parameter for exporting data to a specific target.
# By default, the endpoint will be set to the agent if it's enabled. If the agent is not enabled, the endpoint
# will default to the gateway, given it is enabled. If neither the agent nor the gateway is enabled, the endpoint
# must be overridden here.
# exporter:
# endpoint: http://$(SPLUNK_OTEL_AGENT):4317
- tracecontext
- baggage
- b3
# Optional "sampler" parameter for enabling trace sampling, see:
# sampler:
# type: traceidratio
# argument: "0.95"
# Optional "environment variable" parameters that can configure all instrumentation libraries.
# If splunkObservability.profilingEnabled=true, environment variables enabling profiling will be added automatically.
# env:
# OpenTelemetry Instrumentation Libraries
# For default version values, see: https://github:com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-operator/releases
# apacheHttpd:
# image:
# dotnet:
# Port 4318 is used for dotnet instead of 4317 if the default endpoint value is not overridden, see:
# image:
# go:
# image:
# nodejs:
# image:
# python:
# Port 4318 is used for python instead of 4317 if the default endpoint value is not overridden, see:
# image:
# The cert and issuer are annoted so they are instantiated after the cert-manager CRDs are installed.
"": post-install,post-upgrade
"": "1"
"": post-install,post-upgrade
"": "1"
# The cert-manager is a CNCF application deployed as a subchart and used for supporting operators that require TLS certificates.
# Full list of Helm value configurations:
enabled: false
installCRDs: true
# Helm Chart Feature Gates.
# The following feature gates are used to enable/disable features in the Helm chart
# that are not yet ready for general availability.
# Options in this section are not guaranteed to be stable and may change at any time.
# Use Light Prometheus Receiver for metrics collection from discovered Prometheus endpoints.
# Light Prometheus Receiver is optimized for performance and reduced memory footprint.
# From the other hand, it does not support all Prometheus configuration options.
useLightPrometheusReceiver: false
Log output
Events: ││ Type Reason Age From Message ││ ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- ││ Normal Scheduled 27s default-scheduler Successfully assigned monitoring/windows-splunk-otel-c ││ ollector-agent-d6rh4 to windowsnode ││ Normal Pulled 17s (x2 over 23s) kubelet Container image " ││ 0" already present on machine ││ Normal Created 16s (x2 over 22s) kubelet Created container otel-collector ││ Warning Failed 11s (x2 over 17s) kubelet Error: failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: ││ hcs::CreateComputeSystem otel-collector: The container operating system does not match the host operating system.: unknown ││ Warning BackOff 8s (x4 over 11s) kubelet Back-off restarting failed container
Additional context
No response
@ayotunde-jones Is this resolved, we are also getting the same error.
@surya1150 is it possible that you guys have different OS in nodes on the same cluster? is that the case with you?
which distribution do you use?
Please open a support case to post your values.yaml and discuss further. Thanks!