
Custom events character limits

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Hello. I'm using Splunk RUM to send some custom events from my Android and iOS applications. It seems there is a discrepancy between the two versions in relation of the character limits that is possible to send as parameter of a custom event and I couldn't find any mention about it in the official documentation.

I tried to send a Lorem Ipsum text of 1000 words (6860 characters) on both platforms as follows:

let dictionary: NSDictionary = ["myEventParameter": "lorem ipsum..."]
SplunkRum.reportEvent(name: "myEvent", attributes: dictionary)
SplunkRum.getInstance().addRumEvent("myEvent", Attributes.of(
        AttributeKey.stringKey("myEventParameter"), "lorem ipsum..."))

On Android the text was logged entirely and can be seen correctly from the dashboard.
On iOS only a portion of the text made of 4096 characters was logged instead.

I noticed that this is a limit set by the constant MAX_ATTRIBUTE_LENGTH within the Splunk library.
Is it possible to modify this value and increase the limit?

Library versions

SplunkOtel iOS 0.11.1
SplunkOtel Android 1.0.0