
Stickers Proto file

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi! I've been thinking about trying to port the sticker creation functionality to a mobile app using Expo, but I can't seem to find the Stickers.proto file to use as template. Is it available? Maybe it is trivial to build, but I'm still learning about this client-server communication.


Hi ! You'll find the proto file at

Keep in mind that in order to upload stickers, you have to provide Signal credentials, which is a major issue if you plan to make an app for everybody to use. You can learn more here :

Thanks! I couldn't find it anywhere. I read about the Signal credentials, do you know if they ever change? Or is it a one-time process with the Signal desktop app?

The Signal credentials are per linked device. It is a one time process with the Signal desktop app and indeed all Signal clients. Unfortunately, sticker pack rate limits only allow uploading 20 packs per day per phone number, so you may have a hard time shipping this app with static credentials.

Oh, I see. It's a shame that the process is so complex, maybe one day they will open it up. Thank you both for your detailed explanations!