
Make numbers searchable by name

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Currently, the numbers are only found when searching for the number in digits. I tend to search numbers by writing them out and it would be nice if they could be found under the word too.

Ah, for that we need alternative descriptions for entries. Would be a nice thing to work on to start looking into the datamodel if you are interested in it

I am new to this project, so forgive me if this does not make sense. Would it make sense to (manually) change the entry's text column for each of the numbers to be something like 2 (zwei), 21 (einundzwanzig), etc. My German is quite poor, so there might be problems with this approach.

Alternatively, expanding the entries table might make sense to go with long term, because you can include things like synonyms. Let me know your thoughts and I'll see if I can make any progress.

Yes, this is also a valid approach, but I would prefer the synonyms way. It's more flexible in the long run and I already needed it in a couple of places.