
Use a better approach on types/styles

Closed this issue ยท 8 comments


import * as S from './styled'
import * as I from './types'

@marcelines and I talked about it, and we think that it could be a better way to deal with, improving legibility.

Imagine if you need to import another type on this file:

import * as S from './styled'
import * as I from './types'
import * as T from '../Card/types' //?????? 

The code below is from a 'type' file, and it has import * as I ...

import * as I from '../../types/orders'

export type OrderTitle = {
  id: string,
  insertedAt: string,
  status: I.OrderStatus

export type OrderSummary = {
  total: number,
  totalBeforeVat: number,
  totalVat: number,
  packagingPostageTotal: number

Same problem. Imagine if you need to import another type on this file:

import * as I from '../../types/orders'
import * as T from '../../types/categories' // ??????

export type OrderTitle = {
  id: string,
  insertedAt: string,
  status: I.OrderStatus

export type OrderSummary = {
  total: number,
  totalBeforeVat: number,
  totalVat: number,
  packagingPostageTotal: number


We can do like this:

import * as Styled from './styled'
import * as CardStyled from '../Card/styled'

import * as Types from './types'
import * as CardTypes from '../Card/types'
import * as OrderTypes from '../../types/orders'
import * as CategoriesTypes from '../../types/categories'

export type OrderTitle = {
  id: string,
  insertedAt: string,
  status: OrderTypes.OrderStatus

export type OrderSummary = {
  total: number,
  totalBeforeVat: number,
  totalVat: number,
  packagingPostageTotal: number


import { StyledGood } from './styled'
import { StyledCard, StyledButton } from '../Card/styled'

import { GoodType, PropsType } from './types'
import { CardType } from '../Card/types'
import { OrderType } from '../../types/orders'
import { CategoriesType } from '../../types/categories'

export type OrderTitle = {
  id: string,
  insertedAt: string,
  status: CategoriesType

export type OrderSummary = {
  total: number,
  totalBeforeVat: number,
  totalVat: number,
  packagingPostageTotal: number
  • Named import
    We can have some conflicts with names

  • Import all
    We'll import all, even if we want only one styled/type.

I believe, maybe, named import is a better approach since we follow some rules for it. Such as suffix or prefix to identify then as Styles and Types.

Just my two cents:

I loved it when we started doing import * as S from './styled' but mainly because it felt a bit like plain old CSS (i.e.: styles in their own files), with the advantage of being JS (theme accessible everywhere, functions to mutate style, etc.).
That being said, I openly admit that it requires too much discipline on the developer side to:

  • make sure they're using all the named exports on the styled file (as they're all imported by the wildcard)
  • try to always have one to one file. i.e.: avoid importing styles from other unrelated files. (Foo.tsx and only)

so, basically, this approach requires maybe too much from the developer to keep things organised and maintainable.

  • Dev1 creates SomeCard.tsx and
  • Dev2 creates another component and (wrongly?) imports styles from
  • Dev1 refactors and changes some styled-components in SomeCard.
  • problems

I think it's sensible to keep everything named export (as it currently is) but avoid wildcard imports.
I think it's also sensible to improve the guidelines to define some rules:

  • Prefixing styled components with Styled*?
  • When to create new style files and when to centralize styles for multiple components? And how to make it evident that that's the case (i.e.: make it clear that this style file is used by more than one component)

I totally agree with the @pbrandone concerns about the maintainability of the components. At the beginner, the wildcard import looked a great idea, but definitely it doesn't fit for big projects where more than one developer will work.

Also, I used to be against the idea of the prefix (it seemed redundant), but from now it makes sense for me @pedrobslisboa, thanks to bringing this thread. Using this pattern, I'm able to know if can use styled props in the component, like as one.

Since we all agree that named export is a good idea for the components, I would go forward and only use this pattern to export components, in another word, we must avoid default exports too in order to not end up with the same issue: import from the same file with different names.

So, my suggestion of the ""perfect"" case would be:

import styled from "styled-components"

export const StyledCard = styled.div``

export const ListCard = () => (
    <StyledCard />
    <StyledCard />
    <StyledCard />
import { StyledCard, ListCard } from "./"

What do you think guys?

@danilowoz @pedrobslisboa

my question now would be:

  • should we create a separate file for styles or keep them together with the JSX (in the bottom of the file)?

I agree with @danilowoz, having styled-components on our JSX file we'll be able to perform knowing which is the styled of the component and which is an outsider styled. The same, I think about types.

But I don't agree with the default export, cause maybe I didn't catch the problem with it. Because it doesn't bother me to read:

import styled from "styled-components"

export type PropsType = { // It shouldn't be ListCardProps because is redundant
  orientation: 'hotizontal' | 'vertical'

export const StyledCard = styled.div``

const ListCard = (props: Props) =>
  const { orientation = 'vertical' } = props;  
  return (
      <StyledCard oriantation={orientation} />
      <StyledCard oriantation={orientation} />
      <StyledCard oriantation={orientation} />

export default ListCard
import ListCard, { StyledCard, PropsType as ListCardProps } from "../ListCard" // I know ListCard is the main component
// or
import ListCard from "../ListCard"
// and
import type { PropsType as ListCardPropsType } from "../ListCard" // for flow

@pedrobslisboa I think you meant:

const ListCard = ...

export default ListCard

(also it's flow that requires import type, not typescript.)

but I agree with the gist of it and I don't see a problem with exporting as default the main component.

If we are to write styled-components in the same file, I would suggest keeping them at the end.

@pedrobslisboa I think you meant:
(also it's flow that requires import type, not typescript.)

Both fixed ๐Ÿ‘

Agree to keep all at the end

In order to close this issue, @pedrobslisboa could you please open a new PR adding some sample code into the boilerplate? Then the developer who uses the @significa/start will be able to follow this new "rule".