
ErrNoSignaturesFound should be used when there is no signature attached to an image.

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ErrNoMatchingSignatures here should be changed to ErrNoSignaturesFound.

We are using cosign go function VerifyImageSignatures and we found it is not possible to differentiate it with the other ErrNoMatchingSignatures perfectly.

I think ErrNoMatchingSignatures means that there exists some signatures attached to the image but cosign cannot verify any of them; ErrNoSignaturesFound means there is no signature attached to the image. So it is better to change the first ErrNoMatchingSignatures to ErrNoSignaturesFound.


GitVersion: v2.2.3-5-g22fd1dc0
GitCommit: 22fd1dc
GitTreeState: clean
BuildDate: 2024-02-05T16:48:44Z
GoVersion: go1.21.6
Compiler: gc
Platform: darwin/arm64