
`cosign verify-attestation` hangs indefinitely in GitHub Actions

AliSajid opened this issue · 17 comments


I have a GitHub Action that builds and signs an image and pushes it to GHCR and DockerHub. I verify the signatures in the same action. The verification for the image happens instantly but on the Verify-Attestataion for the SBOM, it hangs until it times out in six hours. I can verify that the attestation is pushed to the container registries and I can verify that locally on my Mac (M2) painlessly.

I'm using syft for SBOM generation and right now using a practically empty Dockerfile.


cosign: v2.2.3
syft: v1.0.1

These are the logs from an example run.

The workflow is here:

This sounds like a one-off GHA failure, is it still occurring?

This has been consistently occurring over the past ~3 days. Sometimes it succeeds, but with an inordinately long time. An example of a very long run before success is here.

I have one action run happening right now which is going through the same process.