
The Helm chart scaffolding is not creating the Rekor secret information

edson-morais-os opened this issue · 1 comments


Good morning Teams,

I'm deploying the Sigstore stack by using the Helm charts ( / ).

Unfortunately, the tool TUF fails because it's waiting for the information "secrets:rekor:name: rekor-public-key".

I noticed that this Helm creates the config maps and secrets for the other tools like Fulcio and CTLog, but not for Rekor. Also, here the Scaffolding documentation says that the Rekor deployment will create their secrets information by executing the CreateSecret.

But, opening the Scalfoding Helm I can't see this configuration, as I can see when opening the Rekor release here.

Pleae, could help me to understand this situation?

Many thanks, Teams.


Just to share:

By filling in the values for

  • secrets.rekor.create = true
  • secrets.rekor.value = "a_super_secure_value"

Was possible to have the TUF server up and running, and also, to have all the stack up and running.