Old "what is sigstore?" url is 404, leads to menu links breaking
axelsimon opened this issue · 2 comments
https://www.sigstore.dev/what_is_sigstore/ used to be the URL for the explainer page. It has been referenced several times from other parts of the web. With the new site, it's been replaced by https://www.sigstore.dev/how-it-works
The old URL is now 404 and leads to a non-descript error page.
It should really redirect to the new URL.
Beyond that, once you've landed on https://www.sigstore.dev/what_is_sigstore/, most links in the top menu appear to be relative and so lead to further non-existent pages, such as https://www.sigstore.dev/what_is_sigstore/how-it-works
Those links should probably be absolute.
Hi @axelsimon I developed the site but I have since finished the contract.
What we need to do is setup 301 redirects in Netlify so these urls do not break and give a 404.
The best way to do this is in the root folder create a _redirects
Inside this file you add redirects like so:
http://oldurl.com https://newurl.com 301!
I hope this helps.
The file is here https://github.com/sigstore/sigstore-website/blob/main/static/_redirects
Closing this, as it's been awhile now and I can't find references to that link on Google with a quick search