
Lua dissector for Minecraft 1.8.9 PC Edition

Primary LanguageLua


Lua dissector for Minecraft 1.8.9 PC Edition


Author: Haiyang Si

Works as of Wireshark v2.0.2
This is a Lua dissector for Minecraft 1.8.9 PC Edition validation.
It supports most of Minecraft actions whose Packet ID are unique.


  1. For the actions share the same Packet ID It lists all the possible actions' names
  2. Map Chunk Bulk's length range is extraordinary, so now the disector doesn't support it well.


  1. Copy Minecraft.lua to somewhere in your wireshark directory. For example, C:\Program Files\Wireshark.      
  2. Open init.lua in your wireshark root directory. Comment the line disable_lua = true or change it to disable_lua = false.      
  3. Add dofile(DATA_DIR.."Minecraft.lua") into init.lua


For more details about Minecraft please read Ixia Official blog ATI Minecraft.