
Weatherlink Pressure Units

raf10gh opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi Siku2,

I see my pressure is displayed in PSI. I want it in inHg and tried changing in the Unit of Measure drop down to inHg and click Update but it doesn't save the changes.



I see that under the Weatherlink device it is set to inHg.


Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if it is a bug.



siku2 commented

The reason for this is that up until recently Hass didn't support switching units like that so this integration included its own system using the integration options.

Ok so is there a way to change it to inhG? In the Weatherlink screenshot the pressure units is set to inHg but it still displays in PSI.

Disregard I found it.


The reason for this is that up until recently Hass didn't support switching units like that so this integration included its own system using the integration options.

Would you be willing to switch to the home assistant unit conversion system? I might try to help when I find some time.

siku2 commented

Would you be willing to switch to the home assistant unit conversion system? I might try to help when I find some time.

absolutely, I was never a fan of rolling my own in the first place. I was planning to remove it the next time I made any changes to the code.