
Task execution role not set in new task revision

mhuebner opened this issue · 7 comments

When ecs-deloy creates a new revision of a taks the Task execution role is not set in the new revision of the task definition.

When i look into the ecs-deploy script it seems that the executionRoleArn is only set if Type is FARGATE and not EC2. It would be great when EC2 also had executionRoleArn set for the new task def!

Line 311 to 329 could be replaced with

# Default JQ filter for new task definition
    NEW_DEF_JQ_FILTER="family: .family, volumes: .volumes, containerDefinitions: .containerDefinitions, placementConstraints: .placementConstraints"

    # Some options in task definition should only be included in new definition if present in
    # current definition. If found in current definition, append to JQ filter.
    CONDITIONAL_OPTIONS=(networkMode taskRoleArn placementConstraints executionRoleArn requiresCompatibilities)
    for i in "${CONDITIONAL_OPTIONS[@]}"; do
      if [[ "$DEF" =~ $re ]]; then
        NEW_DEF_JQ_FILTER="${NEW_DEF_JQ_FILTER}, ${i}: .${i}"

    # Updated jq filters for AWS Fargate
    REQUIRES_COMPATIBILITIES=$(echo "${DEF}" | jq -r '. | select(.requiresCompatibilities != null) | .requiresCompatibilities[]')
    if [[ "${REQUIRES_COMPATIBILITIES}" == 'FARGATE' ]]; then
      FARGATE_JQ_FILTER='cpu: .cpu, memory: .memory'

EC2 and FARGATE both have the same constraints but FARGATE needs to have cpu and memory set.

Relevant Specs must be refactored as well

This PR fixes the issue: #179

Yeah, but merge seems to be blocked.

+1 my CI is broken now that i'm using private registry auth in my task definitions :'(

+1 same case for private registry auth

This has been fixed and released as version 3.7.0.