Update service not triggering
dtran31 opened this issue · 1 comments
I'm noticing that when ecs-deploy gets executed, the update service is not triggering, so the task def and image isn't getting deployed. A new task def and image is created using the ecs-deploy script, but there doesn't seem to be anything happening with it. It was working before and we haven't changed anything to the procedure or ecs-deploy script.
This is the command we've been using:
ecs-deploy -c $DEPLOY_ENV--mh-scheduler-cluster -n $DEPLOY_ENV-mh-scheduler-service -i 870461682484.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/$IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$DEPLOY_ENV-$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER --skip-deployments-check --timeout 600 &
Please advise, we've been just manually updating the service as we figure out what is happening.
Maybe, related to this: #223?