
If EOS Alpha BBS yet developed

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello dear developers,
I wanted to ask if you still develop your forum, because I wanted to install it flat. I discovered by chance this SMF Fork on the internet and have interest in its own installation. Can I call you here at errors in the Issues? Looking forward on your part to provide feedback. Thank you!

Nao commented

I think it's safe to say this fork is not intended for wide public use. There are many forks that came out since '10 and most are dead by now. On the 'better than Smf' front, ElkArte is still alive and well AFAIK, and Wedge is currently on semi-hiatus but I'm still available for tech support.

Thank you for your answer and yes, ElkArte and Wedge I use already, what also good forums are.

For I have installed your forum, but I get when calling the thread this error message:

Table 'd01f5e1a.smf_topicbans' does not exist
File: /www/htdocs/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
Line: 248
Note: It Appears That your database may require an upgrade. Your forum's files are currently at version EosAlpha 1.0pre, while your database is at version 1.0pre. The above error might Possibly go away if you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.

Can you maybe help me here? Would be super nice of you. Thank you in advance.

Nao commented

OK, OK, but still a shame because EOS Alpha :) But good, then just Wedge. Since I am registered in the English support forum and ask there my questions.