
Consider additional rules for default eslint config

jthomerson opened this issue · 2 comments

As a team we need to discuss and decide on the use of the following rules. They may have value for us, but could possibly lead to a lot of refactoring of existing code to bring it into compliance with these rules.

  • func-names
  • func-style
  • valid-jsdoc
  • newline-before-return
  • newline-per-chained-call
  • no-inline-comments
  • object-property-newline
  • operator-linebreak
  • no-magic-numbers
  • no-param-reassign
  • no-mixed-requires

@jimjenkins5 gave this one to you. It's quite old, but worth looking at least at the ones I listed since we're making a 2.0 release. End goal should be to close this ticket with a list of those rules, and if we incorporated them, and if not, why.

The applicable rules have been added in #23. Here is a summary of our decisions.

  • func-names
    • We decided not to use this rule. The primary reason to enable seems to be so that the function name appears in stack traces. However, we decided that making this a coding standard isn’t necessary for two reasons:
      • We will be using arrow functions often, and these have the same issue.
      • The case where we’d need to name a function that would otherwise be anonymous seems far more rare than the case where it’s not needed.
        • Instead of forcing developers to add names to ever anonymous function statement, we could just let developers add them as-needed.
        • e.g. in all of our Gruntfile.js files, we have module.exports = function(grunt) {.... To satisfy this rule, we’d need to add a name to that function, which is really unnecessary.
  • func-style
    • We decided not to use this rule, since we see a definite use case for both styles of functions.
  • valid-jsdoc
    • This rule is not ready for production. We found many false positives and TypeScript would need completely different set of rules
  • newline-before-return
    • This rule is depricated, but we added padding-line-between-statements with a configuration to force a newline before return.
  • newline-per-chained-call
    • We are using our silvermine/fluent-chaining rule to handle our linting of chained calls. This rule was not enabled.
  • no-inline-comments
    • We use inline comments all the time and like them. We did not enable this rule.
  • object-property-newline
    • We added this with the option allowAllPropertiesOnSameLine. This is what we enforce in code reviews anyway.
      • Turning it on without that option would have been problematic because of our no-multiline-var-declarations rule. We would never be able to declare and initialize objects at the same time.
  • operator-linebreak
    • We decided to enforce the after option here.
  • no-magic-numbers
    • Although we don't like magic numbers, we decided to enforce them in code reviews where necessary. Linting magic numbers can be problematic if you want to do something like:
      • setTimeout(func, 1);
      • let inOneHour = + (60 * 60 * 1000);
  • no-param-reassign
    • This was not enabled because it prevents some of our use cases with reassigning memo in _.reduce.
  • no-mixed-requires
    • This is not compatible with the one-var rule.