ChromeCast working on googleapi clip but not on local one
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I want to play a local clip with nodejs in Angular and then cast it to ChromeCast.
I did a test with the clip bellow and it worked - using the link to it.
I downloaded the clip and tried to play it locally, it will connect to the TV but the clip is not starting.
How should I build the NodeJs server for the clip to be streamable?
Here it is the repo: GIT
Thank you!
After many tries I found something that works: start the server on the router IP address and on port 8080.
app.listen(8080, '192.168.X.X', () => { console.log('Server running...'); });
In cmd type ipconfig search Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi and use the IPv4 Address or use:
const os = require('os'); let networkInterfaces = os.networkInterfaces();
In my case:
let serverIp = networkInterfaces['Wi-Fi'][3]['address']
app.listen(8080, serverIp, () => { console.log('Server running...'); });