
More helpful 404 page (integrated search/suggestions box)

wilr opened this issue · 4 comments

wilr commented

See attached screenshot of Paul's mockup, with this markup (CSS already in place):

We're sorry…

The page you are looking for might have moved, no longer exists or is not currently available.

Perhaps you could…

return to the homepage or try searching.

Search results for similar/related phrases
                    <div class="warningBoxBottom">

                            <li><a href="#">Report a missing link</a></li>
                            <li><a href="#">Report a bug or a concren</a></li>

+1 It currently looks broken.

+1 the current 404 page is broken. See:

I agree that this page should be more helpful. Especially at this point it duplicates the navigation for each version, but doesn't identify each section of navigation as a separate version so it looks like repeated content.

I think we should try and establish the chosen version from the URL and display the navigation on the LHS for that version. If it can't be established from the URL then we should default to the currently active/latest/current version.

Closing due to inactivity, feel free to reopen if this is still a problem