
Checkbox/ Radio group duplicating values on save/publish

cebravo94 opened this issue · 3 comments

Adding a new option to a checkbox or radio group and the Saving and Publishing at the same time duplicates the fields

Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 2 27 15 PM

This only affects the CMS as the view display the fields correctly.

When you say "Saving and Publishing at the same time" do you mean you click save and then immediately click publish? Or do you mean you skip clicking save - and instead only click publish?

This only affects the CMS as the view display the fields correctly.

This sounds like it's not actually duplicating the field, but is just showing it twice. When you refresh the page, does it still show two fields or just one?

Can you please also indicate which version of the module you're experiencing this with?

Clicking Save and then immediately click Publish.

Refreshing the page displays the duplicated fields, there's also 2 rows in the EditableOptions db table.
Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 2 54 37 PM

version: "silverstripe/userforms": "^6"

@cebravo94 Do you mean two separate click events, one for each button?