
network mount in droppy, keep crashing and really slow user logging

mattthhdp opened this issue · 1 comments

Here is the logs, if that can help you.
droppy is pegging the cpu (100%) usage

if you need more info or testing feel free to ask
(docker is on a Ubuntu, and the share is on windows)
the share working fine for other services like sonarr/medusa and so on.

and this is the docker-compose.yaml

    container_name: droppy
    image: silverwind/droppy
      - "8989:8989"
      - ${CONFIGDIR}droppy:/config
      - ${DATADIR}:/files
    restart: ${RESTART}


Writing Node.js report to file: report.20200214.230625.1.0.001.json,
Node.js report completed,
    :::  .:::::.   droppy 11.1.0 running on node 12.4.0,
  ..:::..  :::     config at /config,
   ':::'   :::     files at /files,
2020-02-14 23:06:28 [INFO] Configuration: { listeners: [ { host: [ '', '::' ], port: 8989, protocol: 'http' } ], public: false, timestamps: true, linkLength: 5, linkExtensions: false, logLevel: 2, maxFileSize: 0, updateInterval: 1000, pollingInterval: 0, keepAlive: 20000, allowFrame: false, readOnly: false, compression: true, ignorePatterns: [], watch: true, headers: {}},
2020-02-14 23:06:28 [INFO] Loading resources ...,
2020-02-14 23:06:28 [INFO] Loading resources done,
2020-02-14 23:06:29 [INFO] Listening on,
2020-02-14 23:06:29 [INFO] Listening on,
2020-02-14 23:06:29 [INFO] Caching files ...,
2020-02-14 23:09:58 [INFO] Caching files done,
2020-02-14 23:09:58 [INFO] Ready for requests!,
<--- Last few GCs --->,
[1:0x55a4f1ea0e00]  1292585 ms: Mark-sweep 1950.4 (2069.6) -> 1939.7 (2070.1) MB, 3830.1 / 7.4 ms  (average mu = 0.325, current mu = 0.356) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed,
[1:0x55a4f1ea0e00]  1298884 ms: Mark-sweep 1952.1 (2070.1) -> 1941.4 (2074.6) MB, 3804.8 / 13.1 ms  (average mu = 0.355, current mu = 0.396) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed,
<--- JS stacktrace --->,
==== JS stack trace =========================================,
    0: ExitFrame [pc: 0x55a4f0c75b42],
Security context: 0x3f922171a2f1 <JSObject>,
    1: /* anonymous */ [0x2639a6066371] [/droppy/node_modules/chokidar/lib/nodefs-handler.js:~251] [pc=0x3ef5f939151d](this=0x03a891d66b31 <FSWatcher map = 0x27822950bb79>,0x0122cb75fd49 <String[107]: /files/Backup/Sunshine/200202-1758/.hashes/NoMana/Library/metadata/24/>,0x3741de74ad81 <Stats map = 0x195b133bf299>,0x02f6...,
FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory,
Writing Node.js report to file: report.20200214.232816.1.0.001.json,
Node.js report completed,
    :::  .:::::.   droppy 11.1.0 running on node 12.4.0,
  ..:::..  :::     config at /config,
   ':::'   :::     files at /files,
2020-02-14 23:28:18 [INFO] Configuration: { listeners: [ { host: [ '', '::' ], port: 8989, protocol: 'http' } ], public: false, timestamps: true, linkLength: 5, linkExtensions: false, logLevel: 2, maxFileSize: 0, updateInterval: 1000, pollingInterval: 0, keepAlive: 20000, allowFrame: false, readOnly: false, compression: true, ignorePatterns: [], watch: true, headers: {}},
2020-02-14 23:28:18 [INFO] Loading resources ...,
2020-02-14 23:28:18 [INFO] Loading resources done,
2020-02-14 23:28:20 [INFO] Listening on,
2020-02-14 23:28:20 [INFO] Listening on,
2020-02-14 23:28:20 [INFO] Caching files ...,
2020-02-14 23:31:38 [INFO] Caching files done,
2020-02-14 23:31:38 [INFO] Ready for requests!,
2020-02-14 23:33:11 [INFO] POST /!/login [401] [5ms] User 'jaune' unauthorized,
2020-02-14 23:33:15 [INFO] POST /!/login [200] [3ms] User 'jaune' authenticated,
2020-02-14 23:33:16 [INFO] WebSocket [connected],
2020-02-14 23:33:16 [INFO] GET /!/token [200] [2ms],
2020-02-14 23:33:45 [INFO] GET /!/res/sprites.png [304] [1ms],
2020-02-14 23:33:50 [INFO] db.json reloaded because it was changed,
2020-02-14 23:41:07 [INFO] GET / [200] [6ms],
2020-02-14 23:41:15 [INFO] GET /!/res/style.css [200] [2ms],
2020-02-14 23:41:15 [INFO] GET /!/res/sprites.png [200] [1ms],
2020-02-14 23:41:15 [INFO] GET /!/res/client.js [200] [1ms],
2020-02-14 23:41:18 [INFO] GET /!/res/manifest.json [200] [6ms],
2020-02-14 23:41:19 [INFO] GET /!/res/logo152.png [200] [1ms],
2020-02-14 23:42:38 [INFO] POST /!/login [200] [7ms] User 'jaune' authenticated,
2020-02-14 23:42:38 [INFO] WebSocket [connected],
2020-02-14 23:42:38 [INFO] GET /!/token [200] [1ms],
2020-02-14 23:42:39 [INFO] WebSocket [disconnected] (Going away),
<--- Last few GCs --->,
[1:0x5630ce540e00]  1291967 ms: Scavenge 1969.9 (2049.1) -> 1969.5 (2049.6) MB, 7.4 / 0.0 ms  (average mu = 0.237, current mu = 0.077) allocation failure ,
[1:0x5630ce540e00]  1299988 ms: Mark-sweep 1970.2 (2049.6) -> 1965.3 (2049.1) MB, 7914.6 / 12.8 ms  (average mu = 0.242, current mu = 0.247) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed,
[1:0x5630ce540e00]  1300607 ms: Scavenge 1966.1 (2049.1) -> 1965.6 (2049.6) MB, 8.3 / 0.0 ms  (average mu = 0.242, current mu = 0.247) allocation failure ,
<--- JS stacktrace --->,
==== JS stack trace =========================================,
Security context: 0x21612c89a2f1 <JSObject>,
    0: builtin exit frame: new Date(aka Date)(this=0x3d57b36005b1 <the_hole>,0x099a9f5c2469 <HeapNumber 1.58066e+12>,0x3d57b36005b1 <the_hole>),
    1: ConstructFrame [pc: 0x5630cd7e5dc0],
    2: oncomplete [0x12ed4aa73101] [fs.js:~164] [pc=0x3845f9f474d2](this=0x11f9379e7c89 <FSReqCallback map = 0x818026be3e9>,0x3d57b36001d9 <null>,0x083e27b023b9 <Float64Array map = 0x2c9b38380fe9>),
    3: Inter...,
FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory,
    :::  .:::::.   droppy 11.1.0 running on node 12.4.0,
  ..:::..  :::     config at /config,
   ':::'   :::     files at /files,
2020-02-14 23:50:09 [INFO] Configuration: { listeners: [ { host: [ '', '::' ], port: 8989, protocol: 'http' } ], public: false, timestamps: true, linkLength: 5, linkExtensions: false, logLevel: 2, maxFileSize: 0, updateInterval: 1000, pollingInterval: 0, keepAlive: 20000, allowFrame: false, readOnly: false, compression: true, ignorePatterns: [], watch: true, headers: {}},
2020-02-14 23:50:09 [INFO] Loading resources ...,
2020-02-14 23:50:09 [INFO] Loading resources done,
2020-02-14 23:50:09 [INFO] Listening on,
2020-02-14 23:50:09 [INFO] Listening on,
2020-02-14 23:50:09 [INFO] Caching files ...,

"watch": false, did solve half of the problem