
Search component for Voolt.com

Primary LanguageSvelte

search and select input - Voolt

Simple page with a search field to show how to organize a Svelte Project

How to run the project

Clone the project and installed dependencies with pnpm install and then start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open


To create a production version of your app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.

Section A

Block Data Structure: How will you structure the data of each block to keep its values separate and unique?

To ensure each block keeps its data separated and unique, you should define the component state, which is only accessible inside the component. To define the component state management, we define the 'let' variables which could will be potentially adjustable from within the functions or statements inside that component. Const variables are not part of the statement, but they are not accessible from outside either. We could use the same basics for block that currently are used for Svelte components: internal statement and functionality.

Block Interaction: How can you design each block to maintain its independence, even when interacting with other blocks on the same page?

In Svelte we can use props as readonly variables to keep the component independency clear enough. Despite another frameworks, in Svelte we can forward the internal state with the directive bind:this. In this case, you have to be carefully designing the component. That internal state forwarded, should warrantee that using or not that variable, the component independency is not modified. In the current example, the Input component is a clear example for that. In some cases, then props and forwarded state exists in a component, is a good practice to comment it in the code.

Editing Functionality: What approach would you take to implement an editing functionality specific to each block, without interfering with the functionality of other blocks?

Since each block as its own scope, functions and state should be only affecting to the internal functionality of each block.

Performance Consideration: How will you ensure your approach is scalable and performance-optimized, especially when a page contains a significant number of blocks?

Blocks require a big amount of memory and operation that could be crucial for performance. A possible solution for this case when we have a graphic environment, is that all helpers and mathematical operations responsible of the blocks manipulation, could be delegated to WASM and Rust. Currently the ways to make low level code working together with Svelte is easy to implement and the performance in the worst case is between 3 or 4 times faster.