
TypeError: _orbitControlsEs2.default is not a constructor

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to follow your example syntax to assign an OrbitControls into a class member of an aurelia single page application.
This line,
this._controls = new OrbitControls(this._camera, this._renderer.domElement);

is receiving the above TypeError.

My import statement is similar (if not identical) to your example in the readme,
import OrbitControls from 'orbit-controls-es6';

hmmmm should just work since it's just ES6... what presets are you using to compile your app?

Sorry I'm fairly new to Node/JavaScript development so could you let me know where I might find this? Somewhere in package.json or in one of the aurelia JSON files? When we build though we are using Aurelia (au build) or when we are just running (au run --watch).